The 5 S’s of Organizing: Staging, Selecting, Sorting, Storing and Simplifying

The question I ask all my clients before we start an organizing project is “what is your number one goal for this project?”

The responses range from wanting more efficiency in their space to needing to majorly declutter.

When you’re interested in getting organized, it’s important to remember the 5 S’s or organization.


Begin by starting with a specific space — you’ll want a good amount of room to select and sort your items before they’re put in their permanent home.

The thing to remember is that organizing is going to make the space look much worse before it get’s better — items all over the floor and you need to have everything out and easy to see!


As you’re going through your items, it’s important to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

The concept itself is simple. The actual process can be difficult.

This can be because of emotional ties to memorabilia or because the volume of things to go through can feel overwhelming!

The best thing to do when you’re trying to tackle some decluttering is to think simply.

Hiring a professional organizer can be helpful because they are unbiased and can help you figure out what really matters enough to keep!


The next step is categorization.

After you’ve gone through the “keep – throw away – donate” selection process, you will need to categorize your items.

This is an important step because organization is about making things more efficient — and this means easier to find.


Everything should have a home.

After everything has been categorized, everything needs to go back on the shelves to be easily found when you need it!

If everything has a home, you’ll never waste time looking for it.

A study conducted by Pixie found the average American loses 2.5 days each year looking for misplaced items in their home.

Another study reported by Newsweek found that each American loses 12 days looking for things!

That’s a lot of time wasted!


Mindset is really important when it comes to organizing AND staying organized. Keep it simple.

Each person is different, so I always think it’s important to keep it simple when it comes to organizing.

If someone was disorganized before, it’s highly likely they will fall back into those same patterns.

We’re just human.

The habits we develop are what we will revert back to.

This is something I’ll dive into more in another blog post — why people are disorganized.

But there’s always hope!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try to tackle a small space every day.

Remember to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for tips and tricks to getting and staying organized!!

Until next time,

Happy Organizing!

10 Bathroom Organization Ideas You’ll Love!

It’s time to get your DIY on!

As DIY, home improvement and home organization are becoming more popular, some of the more creative people of the world are showcasing their talents with some amazing new feats of ingenuity!

Here are my top 10 favorite bathroom DIY organization hacks you’ll absolutely love — they’ll have you running to the hardware store as soon as you’re done reading!

1. Be creative with your over-the-toilet storage

The bathroom is one place in the house that never seems to have enough room.

Most of my clients have a lot of products that they use in the bathroom, and they can’t figure out how to store it all to look nice and keep everything else looking clean as well.

Something that really spruces up the bathroom are baskets or fun shelving above the toilet.

This offers more places to store items if you have a small bathroom.

One example that I absolutely love comes from Seas the Moment, in their blog post about a spa-inspired bathroom renovation.

The reason I love this is because the white baskets are being repurposed as shelving, it opens up the room and gives you a fun way to store toilet paper and towels.

Another is this rustic farmhouse themed project from House of Hawthornes. Here is the link to learn how to do this one!

The reason I love this one is because it’s simple. A couple of shelves, a few items to complete the project, and voilà!

You have extra storage and some new and beautiful in the bathroom.

2. Use unconventional storage space

What I mean by this is, you want to use up all the available space you have to store things in your home.

If you’ve pared down everything and you’re just trying to organize into a small space, it’s imperative you use what I call “air space”.

This is one great use of air space:

Using the space over the door can maximize your storage space for overflow items like towels or toilet paper.

Not only does it give you extra room, it can also look great!

3. Use the walls!

A big problem for many of my clients when it comes to bathroom organization is the lack of counter space.

There isn’t always room for everything (especially if you’re sharing with someone else), nor does it look good to have 37 different products cluttering the countertop.

A few of my favorite DIY hacks to keep your bathroom products organized are below:

Everyone loves Mason jars. This is a handy trick for storing your daily use items like cotton balls, make-up brushes, combs, bobby pins or hair accessories!

Using this IKEA Bekvam Spice Rack will keep all your products on the shelf.

This is a great start to clearing the clutter off your counters

4. Corral your daily use items

When you’re using something every day, it’s smart to have it handy.

I suggest using a decorative tray with you daily essentials to keep them organized but also keep them looking put-together.

5. Use drawer dividers

This is something I suggest for every drawer in the home — use drawer dividers!!

This allows you to keep your bathroom drawers in order and clean.

I would suggest getting divider inserts vs. buying drawer dividers that push against your drawers.

This is because those kinds of drawer dividers can damage your cabinets and the inserts are a lot easier to rearrange and clean.

You can click here to buy this on amazon.

6. Upcycle things from around the house

The best thing to do when organizing is keep it simple.

You don’t need to go out and buy a bunch of specialized organization units in order to stay organized.

Organization is very personal, and should always be personalized to each individual.

One example of upcycling is to use curtain tie backs as towel hooks in your bathroom!

What I love about this is that you can repurpose the tie backs and create a beautiful piece of functional decor!

Here is the link to how she did it.

I also find that using hooks in the bathroom saves a lot of space and doesn’t “clutter” up the walls!

7. Hidden Hair Tools

What are we supposed to do with all of our hair dryers, straighteners, curling irons, wands and the millions of other tools to make our hair look fabulous?!

Some of the best hacks I’ve seen include magazine holders.

Attach the magazine holders or pencil cups to the inside of your cabinet door, and it easily stores your hair beautification tools out of sight.

You can also put them inside your cabinet if you have the space or if your doors don’t work with this method!

There are so many different styles of these nifty holders. I would suggest using the ones made of metal to keep them in good shape against the heat of your styling tools.

8. Make the most of your under-cabinet space

There are SO many ways to use the space under your sink — you just have to get creative with it!

Use stackable storage to use the space under the sink.

Most cabinets won’t have shelving, so you want to use up the space as much as you can!

It will also be a challenge to work around all the pipes so make sure the items you’re buying will fit the space.

You can also use different kinds of stacking storage like these:

Stackable Bin

MadeSmart 2-Tier Organizer

Another classic way to stay organized in the bathroom is to separate your accessories and products in drawers. I do this all the time for my clients!

In the photo above, I categorized all of my clients’ products and used the drawer organizers for extra storage.

You can get these almost anywhere. These are from Walmart!

9. Decorations Matter

One of the simplest ways to create a feeling of space in your bathroom is to keep the decorations to a minimum and keep the colors light!

Many bathrooms I’ve worked in have the same wood-colored cabinets from the 70s!

Modern bathrooms however, are very minimalistic.

When you’re working with a small space, a fresh coat of white or light-colored paint can really make your space feel cleaner and larger.

This amazing example from Seas the Moment blog shows just how some minor modifications to the cabinetry, color and mirror can create a beautiful space!

This is the before photo of the space:

And this is the after!

10. Make this your mantra: declutter, put away, repeat.

When it comes to organization, I can’t stress enough that the habits you build working with an organizer are crucial.

The truth is, we all have those days where the counters get cluttered, and putting away the laundry does not sound like fun.

However, a cluttered space can cause a cluttered mind!

Like we talked about last week with Clutter is a Trigger of Stress & Anxiety — why & how to fix it and The Duty to Declutter: Why Clutter is Effectively Ruining your Life, clutter can bring stress and anxiety (and you may not even know it!)

Take a breath, take a minute and take the time for YOU!

You deserve it!

Until next time, happy organizing!

What Can A Professional Organizer Do To Declutter Your Home?

Nowadays, hiring a full-time housekeeper is a kind of luxury that can’t be afforded by many. And as a result, most homes, condominiums, and apartments are often stacked with disorganized clutter from the living room to the bedroom. And even further, you suffer from organizational issues that can cause stress and ruin the convenience of comfort living.

So in situations like these, hiring a pro organizer is recommended as these experts can determine problem areas in your living space and provide useful knowledge to clients on how to stay organized moving forward.

Read more as we are going to discuss what a professional organizer can do to declutter your home.

Who Are These Experts In Organization?

A professional organizer is an individual who is skilled in the task of organizing physical and even digital spaces to provide comfort, convenience, and to encourage efficiency.

The services that these pros offer are usually classified into 3 categories:

  • Residential organization
  • Home office organization
  • Corporate organization

Of course, these categories may also include other potential services to suit the needs of the client. But for the sake of this topic, we’re going to concentrate more on what they can do to organize your home.

What They Really Do?

Pro organizers can facilitate in the arrangement/re-arrangement of belongings, removal of unwanted stuff, set up systems from labeling to shelving of things, and even offer advice on how to make the home more organized place (and continue to be organized) than before.

And even though their spectrum of service is more focused on providing organization solutions that will inspire order and clarity in a living space, these experts can also clean your home when needed just like the cleaning service that we provide here from standard cleaning, deep cleaning, personalized to detailed cleaning, and even maid servicing.

How Can They Organize Your Living Space?

Pro organizers can do more than just good at arranging things because here they can offer more to overwhelmed homeowners and busy professionals, specifically:

  • Arrange or restack clothes and shoes and removal of questionable apparels in the closet.
  • Clean the playroom that is littered with toys and place them in appropriate storage space.
  • Assist in sorting out documents, paper works, and bills on the desk.
  • Organize client’s electronic devices and appliances to a manageable level.
  • Sort out and arrange stuff in the attic, basement, and garage.
  • Assist in moving out or merging of households.

Final Word

So if you are looking for a professional organizer to get rid of all the clutters in your home today, then contact Clutterless Home Solutions and create a clutter-free home that you’ve always dreamed of.

Clutter is a Trigger of Stress & Anxiety — why & how to fix it.

friends gif

We’ve all been there. You come home at the end of the day and you’re already feeling drained, but you walk into a mess.

Kid’s toys scattered all over the floor, dirty clothes lying just outside the laundry bin (why not just in the actual bin??), dirty dishes overflowing from a previously empty sink…

This kind of mess can start to wear on your mental state.

You’re not going crazy.

You’re not alone.

Like we discussed in The Duty to Declutter: Why Clutter is Effectively Ruining your Life, psychologist Sherry Carter claims that “clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes… messy homes and workplaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless and overwhelmed….”

Somehow though, most people don’t seem to realize that clutter is at the root of why they’re feeling so stressed out.

To refresh, Carter believes there are eight reasons why clutter is the cause of our anxiety.

1. Clutter makes us feel overwhelmed since it exposes us to a lot of unimportant stimuli, thereby causing our senses to work overtime.

2. It takes our attention away from things we should focus on (family, friends, making cookies).

3. It makes it more difficult for us to relax mentally and physically.

4. It signals to our brains that our work is never finished.

5. It makes us think about how we’re going to tidy up all the mess (this can be the overwhelming part).

6. It makes us feel guilty for not being more organized or embarrassed to invite people into our homes.

7. It hinders our productivity and creativity.

8. It frustrates us by making it more difficult for us to find what we need (causing time and money loss).

However, unlike some things in life that you don’t have control over, clutter is something you can conquer.

We covered all of these things a few weeks ago… and now I want to dive into how to combat the clutter.

The best advice any professional organizer can give you: let someone help you.

You may be feeling anxious, overwhelmed, unsure where to start… but you deserve the help!

Carter also suggests a few things:

1. If your house is full of stacks of clutter, don’t clean out things by yourself. Instead, hire a professional to come in.

We talked about organizational foundation last week in The Complete Guide to Professional Home Organizing: What it is and why you need it.

We also talked about why it’s important

A lot of my clients say they feel overwhelmed. The best thing to do is just get started.

Start in one space and move through the room one section at a time.

2. You can prevent clutter from invading by creating a specific home for each item you own.

In this way, you’ll be able to find what you are looking for faster and more easily (referencing again that organizational foundation we talked about!)

However, storing items out in the open can still trigger stress.

I often suggest to my clients that if you’re storing something out in the open, it should be decorative, and the clutter and non-decorative items should be stored in closed spaces (drawers, decorative baskets or in cabinets!)

3. Get rid of things you don’t use, want, or need.

I tell my clients to always be thinking of two questions when they’re actively decluttering: one, “have I used this in the past year?” and two, “do I love this?”.

Whether you recycle it, donate it, sell it or just toss it out, it doesn’t matter – just make sure it no longer takes up space in your home.

As for the items you rarely use, you can keep them in spaces you have extra space. This could mean a storage room, on a shelf in the garage or somewhere in your home where it’s being stored for it’s next use.

4. After you’ve finished using something, put it back to its “home” right away.

If you ask tidy people how they keep their house clean, they will always tell you that the number one rule to follow is to NEVER let it pile up.

This is an issue for many of the clients I’ve worked with. They always say they’re overwhelmed and they don’t know where to start.

If you build the right habits, staying organized can even become easy!

5. Make a “pending” folder or plastic tote.

This will help you clear off your workspace — it’s true that a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind.

Find simple ways to reduce the clutter while also storing all your important paperwork and pending projects in one place.

6. Make sure you don’t let papers turn into piles.

Mail can be a major problem for many of our clients. Letting it pile up will only result in stress and oftentimes, embarrassment.

Many of our clients are reluctant to let someone in to their personal mess, but it’s pertinent you do because procrastination will only make it worse.

7. Tidy up your workspace after you’ve finished working.

Doesn’t it feel good to work on a clean slate?

Am I the only one who cleans the kitchen BEFORE I start cooking or baking?

Who else out there likes to clean their home before they go on a trip, just for the instant gratification of coming home to clean house??

It’s just satisfying!

8. Last but not least, don’t forget to make it fun.

Whenever I’m organizing for a client or even re-organizing my own home (because yes, it bugs me sometimes too!), I always put on something fun in the background.

There’s something fun and soothing about listening to some upbeat music or listening to your favorite TV show that makes the organization something to look forward to!

This even makes you work faster!

After really diving into the “why” of anxiety and clutter, I felt it was important to cover how you can actually attack the clutter!

Make sure to always follow us on Facebook at Clutterless Home Solutions and instagram @clutterlesshomesolutions and our Youtube channel for the latest tips and tricks to getting your home organized!

Until next time, happy organizing!

The Complete Guide to Professional Home Organizing: What it is and why you need it.

What exactly is professional home organizing and how can you tell if you need it?

If you’re overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, look no further!

This handy guide will explain what professional organization is, how to tell if you need it and how to hire the right professional organizer for the job.

What is professional organizing?

It’s hard to fully describe what it is I do as a Professional Organizer.

Essentially, professional home organization is the same as regular home organization, but with the added benefit of a trained, unbiased professional to help you sort through and dispose of your items, as well as help you with some of the heavy lifting.

Elderly folks, busy parents, and anyone else who has a big project but little time can benefit from professional organization, and that’s when Clutterless Home Solutions comes in!

As professional organizers, we wear a lot of hats: project manager, heavy-lifting expert, personal therapist, emotional support, puzzle master and cheerleader!

At the heart of it, a true professional organizer is someone who wants to help people feel better in their home and make their space more efficient.

Whatever the space you’re wanting to transform, we find out the results you’re looking for and help you achieve that goal.

How does the process work?

The process usually starts with a short chat about the project – this is where we can get acquainted and talk about your number one goal for the space!

After our initial chat, we schedule a 15-20 minute video consultation so we can give you a rough estimate to get to the result you want. From there we set a schedule for your project.

If you’re looking to declutter your space and purge, you’re totally welcome to! It’s your home, so we are there to help you through the process whichever way you’d like! You can be a part of the entire process from the categorization to the decluttering.

If you’re looking to simply have a space organized by someone, you can sit back and relax. Aside from the occasional question, a Professional Organizer should be able to create an organized space with little input from you (if that’s what you prefer).

Why hire a Professional Organizer?

We don’t just help you get organized, we help you stay organized. This is one of the main benefits to hiring a professional.

Starting and stopping projects isn’t effective – many of my clients tell me this is the never-ending loop they’re stuck in.

That’s why we help you establish an “organizational foundation”.

It’s one of the most important parts about getting organized and maintaining organization!

Why can’t I do this with help from friends and family?

A lot of my clients mention to me that they have tried to get family members to help them through the process.

While having family or friends help can be a nice gesture, it can also bog down the process significantly – you can get caught up in nostalgia and end up getting too distracted to finish the project.

Having a professional around helps keep you on track and prevents you from falling into another never-ending clutter loop.

How can I tell if I need a professional organizer?

If any of these sound like you, you are in need of an organizer!

  • You’ve revisited the same project over and over again (never-ending clutter loop)
  • Short on time (and who isn’t??)
  • Overly-nostalgic (can help you save memories without physical objects)
  • Physically unable (this is where the heavy lifting comes in)
  • You have more important things to do! (not everyone loves to spend hours in a small room color-coordinating and folding like me!)

How to find the right organizer for your project

Before you start searching for a professional organizer, you need to answer a few questions about your project.

Having answered these questions beforehand will help you have a better idea of what you’re looking for and make the search more efficient!

What is the size of your project?

This totally depends on the size and state of the space, but it also depends on you!

If you’re ready to declutter and get organized, it really speeds the process along.

A small project could take six hours, or an extra-large project can take multiple days!

That’s why it’s important to schedule a video consultation so we can get a better idea of your space.

What is your budget?

Some organizers charge by the hour, others by the project. I’ve found the best way to give my clients as much value as possible is to assess on a project-by-project basis.

Each person is unique and their individual tastes will differ from another.

You can expect to pay between $80 and $140 per hour for an organizer that’s experienced.

If you’re relatively organized, a small garage project might cost $350, while organizing an entire home can cost more than $1,500.

After you’ve answered these questions and have a better idea of what you’re looking for, it’s time to start searching!

As you look for prospective organizers, be sure to look at what they are offering, how many clients they have served, how many reviews they have and what’s included in the fees.

Some organizers charge for everything individually: consultations, travel fees, additional services outside of just organizing the space. It’s also important to note what’s included in their hourly rate or package.

Lower rates can mean less expertise, fewer benefits included, slower progress and less value.

See how $40 an hour costs more than our services:

Questions to ask prospective organizers

What kinds of projects do you specialize in?

Most organizers are down to tackle any project, but some are better at certain tasks or projects than others.

Some organizers love going through paperwork and others like to do the detail work.

Some of the most common projects are garages, bedroom closets, pantries and downsizing.

My favorite projects are the total transformations or helping someone set up their new home.

It’s amazing to see the relief and satisfaction on someone’s face when they have their newly organized space.

What training/experience do you have?

Some organizers have trained in interior design, worked with chronically disorganized people, or just have had a knack for it their entire lives.

Some organizers are certified through NAPO or other organizational institutions.

However, keep in mind that if your organizer isn’t a member or hasn’t gone through a certification, it doesn’t always mean that they won’t do a phenomenal job!

Having the certification doesn’t always mean they will be the right organizer for you either – it’s important to choose your organizer based off of how you feel around them.

This is important because they’ll be spending a lot of time in your home, looking at everything you own!

What does your typical day with a client look like? When we begin to organize a space, we take the first moments to speak with the client about how they want to space to look and feel.

From there, we get to work! The first thing you need to do is categorize everything in the space. This usually takes the most time.

Before we organize the items back into the room, we usually have the client go through and declutter for a bit during this stage.

It saves time to get some of the items out of the way before they’re organized into bins and onto the shelves.

After we’ve done some purging, we organize the space! This part depends on what you’re working with.

Luckily! We will bring supplies to make this easier. This is something you want to look for in an organizer.

We try our best not to give you homework, but depending on your timeline and goals for the project, there are sometimes little things for you to do.

Do you offer free consultations?

Yes! The consultation is free! We set up a video consultation because it’s the best way to value your time and assess the space in about 10-15 minutes.

Can you provide me with a written contract?

Written contracts are not common in this business, but it’s reasonable to ask for at least an email that spells out what the organizer is able to offer you, and what they won’t be able to do.

Do you have references/testimonials?

It’s a good idea to look over the testimonials past clients have left for the organizer.

This way, you’re able to assess who will best fit your needs.

It’s also a great way to get a better sense of your space – ask for the names and numbers of clients who’ve had projects similar to yours.

This is a good way to chat with real clients who’ve had real experiences with that you’re looking for.

Clutterless Home Solutions LLC was created to provide these services to not only help people maintain their homes, but to decrease their stress levels, enable them to spend more quality time with their family or just simply to free up your mind to be able to focus on the things that are truly important to you.

Happy Organizing!

10 Closet Hacks That You MUST Use!

One of the most common projects I organize for my clients is closet organization.

Everyone wants the Pinterest-Perfectly organized home and closet, but when it comes time to start organizing, they become overwhelmed.

1. Hang Your Clothes In the Same Spot — Every Time!

Once everything is organized (what I call the “Organizational Foundation”), it will make it much easier to find things in your closet and put together an outfit — did you know that the average American burns 55 minutes PER DAY looking for things they know they own but cannot find? (Newsweek)

2. Use Wall Space

Accessories are another item that seem to be neglected when it comes to closet organization. Using wasted space for hanging hats, scarves, belts, sunglasses or even jewelry can decrease clutter in your closet.

You can use your hats to create a fun decorative wall or hang them on the inside of your closet — either way, this keeps them off the floor and ready to go on your head!

3. Hangers are Hella’ Important

Not only do matching hangers create a uniform look, but they automatically make a cluttered closet look better!

It is also important to use the right hangers for the right pieces of clothing — the best kind of hangers for pants (in my humble opinion) are these.

Hangers are all dependent on personal preference as well. Some of my clients like the velvet hangers (for aesthetic) and some like the plastic (for strength).

4. Keep Your Shelves In Shape

The shelves above your hanging items can be a real source of clutter — and an eye-sore if they aren’t kept up.

My favorite way to keep up organization on the shelves is containing the items in different bins! The ones below make your closet look uniform and protect your clothes from dust!

5. Color-Coordinate

One of the most important rules to organizing your closet and maintaining said organization is color-coordinating your clothes!

This helps you stay organized for a few reasons: you know what you actually have, you can more easily find your clothes (“Where’s that blue top? Oh! By all the other blue things.”)

When I organize a closet, I start with the ROYGBIV color system, adding in extras for the colors outside of the rainbow.

From left to right, the clothes go in this order: white, tan, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, pink, grey, black and white, black with color and black (for all those little black dresses you rock!).

6. Categorize

Other than color-coordinating your closet, categorizing your clothes is another important step to maintain organization.

This means: All the tank tops together, all the short sleeves together, and so on.

This is just another steps towards making getting dressed in the morning fun again!

The closet in this photo belonged to Lisa P.

Lisa preferred that her career clothes be separated from her causal clothes. As you can see, the clothes are categorized and color-coordinated as well within each section.

Organizing your closet this way makes it much easier to find what you’re looking for. That comes in handy when you’re late (you’re late! for a very important date!)

7. Be Creative With Your Shoes

Shoes can often be a dilemma in my client’s closets.

Whether the problem be that they have too many shoes, hard to use space or no room on the floor, it’s important to be creative so you can display your beautiful shoes.

There are many ways to do this. I’ve listed a few solutions I’ve implemented!

8. Use Back-of-the Door Space!

Just like we mentioned in Hack number 2, you want to utilize all the space in your closet to optimize your organization!

Another way you can do this is by hanging things on the back of your door.

There are a few ways to do this, some semi-permanent and some will lift easily off the top.

I would suggest using this space for robes, jewelry, scarves or even more hats! Depending on what you decide to store, you will need to choose the best fitting storage solution.

For hats, I would suggest:

For scarves:

You can buy short curtain rods almost anywhere: Target, Walmart, Big Lots, Dollar Store, Amazon or thrift stores. There are also a lot of options when it comes to how to hang them on the rod. It’s just going to be what works best for you. An inexpensive solution is using shower curtain rods!

For jewelry:

9. Display Your Handbags!

The best way to put together an outfit is to see what you’re working with.

A common suggestion I make to my clients is to display their handbags.

This can be as easy as storing them on a shelf or purchasing a hanging organizer.

The most important part is stuffing your bags so they retain their shape.

This helps the integrity of the bag last longer over time (saving you money!) and honestly, it looks beautiful!

For stuffing your bags, you can use leftover packing paper, newspapers or even leftover wrapping paper from your kid’s birthday party.

Just remember, always put the purse stuffing of your choice in a plastic bag (from King Soopers, Walmart or anywhere!) to keep the inside of your purses safe from the paper.

This also makes it easier when you’re using the purse. Just place the baggie of paper where your purse lives and replace it when you’re done!

10. Know Yourself

Something that I tell all my clients is that the best organization is like the best diet — one you can stick to!

My best advice is to organize your closet, or bring someone in to help you, in a way that suits your daily habits and routines.

Something that may be easily maintainable by a highly organized person may not feel the same way to someone who isn’t as organized (that’s why they’re in this predicament to begin with!).

So for those of you who are organized and have a spouse who is not, finding the balance is crucial so that everyone feels happy in their home!

Get organized so you can focus on the more important things in life.

Stay tuned for more blog posts about organizing and Living Clutterless!

The Duty to Declutter: Why Clutter is Effectively Ruining your Life.

Have you ever felt weighed down by all the clutter surrounding you? Studies now show that clutter in the home can be a huge factor in why anxiety has become such a large part of society.

May 2, 2019

Clutter has become such a large part of our lives.

Do you have a storage room that’s filled to the brim? A closet that’s overflowing with clothes (with the tags still on)?

If you feel you have to “re-organize” a space every few weeks, or you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things piling up on your kitchen counter or in the nooks and crannies of your home, it’s a clear sign that clutter has taken over –and it may be causing you more anxiety than you realize.

As psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter explains in Psychology Today, “Messy homes and work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives.”

Carter then goes on to explain WHY clutter has such a strong influence on our anxiety.

She states that clutter forces our senses to work overtime (sensory overload), distracts us from what we should be focusing on, and makes it more difficult to relax (physically and mentally).

Clutter also sends a signal to our brains that the day’s work is not yet finished — not only that, but the sight of clutter creates anxiety because of the sheer amount of it all can lead to feelings of guilt and embarrassment.

Clutter “inhibits creativity and productivity” and is endlessly frustrating to boot!

But is that all? Not only does clutter look bad and makes us feel bad, but it also eats away at our precious time, money and overall happiness.

In a cluttered home, looking for something in the mess can take twice as much time.

When you can’t find something because it’s buried or lost somewhere in the recesses of your home, you’ll be forced to buy duplicates — money that could have been spent on something more important.

“Don’t own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch on fire.” – Wendell Berry, American Novelist

These findings and many other surfacing studies all contribute to the growing body of evidence that the presence of clutter in your home can directly influence our general well-being.

Dr. Saxbe, an assistant psychology professor at University of Southern California and lead of the 2010 study on cortisol and clutter believes that this issue stems from society’s expectations of how a home should look and feel.

She couldn’t be more right when she says “The home is a place to come home and unwind. But not if the home is filled with to-do lists and never-ending drudgery.”

As a Professional Organizer, I see this all the time.

Every time I go into a new client’s home it begins all over again.

With every new job, I witness someone who’s home has become a source of anxiety and stress instead of a place of rest.

It’s then my job to establish trust with the client, and be there to help them tackle the task that seems overwhelming: sorting through the clutter.

Ultimately, I act as a guide to help them through the process of realizing what items in their home truly matter.

Now it’s time to decide: do you want to live in a home, surrounded only by the things that truly matter to you? Or do you want to live in a storage unit?

My next post will dive into the some really fun closet organization hacks!

5 Organizing Hacks using Tension Rods

We are always looking for ways to get organized! Here are a few tips I loved from Angela Davis’ article on DIY & Craft’s website.

We all have struggled with keeping the spice cabinet organized. Using a tension rod to create levels within your cabinet is a great way to see everything and keep it all organized!

This hack keeps your wrapping supplies in order!

Added hack: Break down clothing boxes to store inside the largest box. Keeps everything in one space and looking great!

This hack helps all those shoe lovers out there! Keeping all your heels along tension rods keeps them off the floor so you can put the final touches on your outfit for ladies night out!

This hack creates space and saves your purses from getting crushed on the shelves! Use tension rods in a small space and S-hooks to hang your purses nicely for all to see!

This hack will prove very practical and fun for the kiddos! Use a tension rod to attach a large roll of paper underneath your kitchen table for easy, mess free coloring time!

BONUS!! I had to share this last hack with you. It’s not organizing per-say, but as soon as I saw this, I rushed to the store to create my own!

Use a tension rod in your kitchen window to create an adorable awning!

Thank all of you for reading and happy organizing!

Simple Organizing Hacks You’ll wish you knew years ago!

Everyone is trying to get organized, stay organized or pretend they’re organized. Organization has become a dilemma in the modern era. Everyone is busy working, so the side projects have started to slide lower and lower on your endless list of “To-Do’s. Here are some simple tricks to keep yourself organized going into this holiday season!

Here are some simple tricks to keep yourself organized going into this holiday season!

Pick up after yourself DAILY — the number one thing that disorganized people do wrong is letting everything pile up! Maintenance is KEY! The most organized people don’t let dishes, shoes, paperwork, mail or piles of laundry pile up throughout the day or week. They clean up after themselves immediately – that way it never becomes overwhelming!

Finish one project at a time — I know that all of us consider ourselves multi-taskers, but having a painting project in the bathroom while putting up shelving in your living room and having carpeting installed in the basement can lead to a lot of unfinished business. This can then lead to “prioritizing” your projects which inevitably leaves all the small things left undone. Being organized in your home begins with being organized in your mind!

Avoid cluttering your hard surfaces — There are many ways you can maintain this. Again, the first trick I mentioned is to put things away immediately. This will cut down on a lot of your clutter. Another trick you can use is to decorate your hard spaces so it makes it harder for you to make them messy.

Use matching hangers — It can make even the craziest closet look more organized. It’s also inexpensive and simple! This is something I always suggest for my clients wanting closet makeovers. Another BONUS hack is to keep a “donate” bag hanging in your closet — this way, if something doesn’t fit right or you know you won’t keep wearing it, you can throw it in you handy bin to be easily collected and donated!

Make your bed every morning — This is more than just for organization. Making your bed has the potential to set up your entire day. When I was growing up, my parents always said that having a tidy room and making your bed daily builds character. It not only makes your room look better right away, but it can also mentally prepare you for the day. Here is an article I read recently that agrees!

Keeping your home organized starts with getting to an organizational foundation. Whether you have just moved, you’re working full-time, or you just don’t know what to do with all the clutter, we would love to assist you to feel less stressed and make your home finally feel like home! That way, there’s at least one less thing on your To-Do list!