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5 Organizing Tips From The Only Full-Service Organizer In Denver

5 Organizing Tips From The Only Full-Service Organizer In Denver

1. FOCUS on getting rid of trash first.

When you are looking at your home and feeling overwhelmed, it can be difficult to know where to start.

I like to give my clients small tasks such as getting rid of trash first, so that they can start getting things done.

By starting with throwing away trash you will feel a sense of accomplishment about getting one step closer to your dream home.

Getting rid of trash can sometimes take hours, & can start making your home feel bigger and less stressful. Start with getting rid of trash and then move on to decluttering and donating unwanted items.

2. Set reasonable goals for creating your DREAM home.

When you look at your home, and search every nook and cranny, it can seem like A LOT.

The average American home has over 300,000 items in it, and we rarely use most of them!

This is why it’s important to give yourself small goals to work on from the highest priority to the lowest priority.

For example, the highest priority task could be for you to clean & organize your entire storage room, then clean out and donate items in the garage, and lastly making the pantry more practical and organized.

Start with the highest priority item and work your way down the list. Don’t try and do all of the projects at once!

Pssst! Don’t let this be you!!

3. Start with ONE area of your home first.

Like I said before, it’s important to not overwhelm yourself when trying to organize your home.

If you try and do too many projects at once you will stress yourself out and likely shut down.

Often people look at their entire home and think it’s impossible to create their dream home, this is not true. It just needs to be broken down into smaller chunks.

Pro tip: When organizing an area of your home, break that project into sub-tasks.

For example, when organizing your garage, first start with putting everything on the ground, then throw away trash, start sorting through items, donate unwanted items, figure out how you want to design your garage, get necessary organizational tools (shelving, totes, labels, etc.), then organize the remaining items.

4. Create SYSTEMS that work for you & your family.

A one size system does not fit all.

When I make a system for one family it’s not likely it will work for my next client.

What I mean by this is that systems need to match how the family operates. For instance, some families shop at Costco regularly and need lots of space to store their items.

In this case I would buy the necessary storage tools for these trips and teach the family how to organize after a Costco run!

Building systems that work for your family & seem effortless it very important to your organizational success!

5. It’s OKAY to hire a professional to help you. You deserve it.

All of us need help at some point.

There is nothing wrong with getting help organizing your house and making it your dream home.

When you have a leak under your sink you call a plumber, when you have a problem with your electricity you call an electrician, and when your house is stressing you out you should call a professional organizer.

End your stress today, and get the help you deserve!

Talk soon,

Clutterless Home Solutions

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