What’s the difference between professional organization and interior design?

When considering how to improve your home environment, the terms “organization” and “interior design” might come up frequently. Though they share some similarities, they are distinct disciplines with different goals and methods. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right service for your needs.

In this article, we’ll go over organization and interior design, discussing their similarities and differences. We’ll also explore pricing, the advantages of hiring professionals, and why a clean space can benefit your mental health

Why the Confusion?

The confusion between professional organization and interior design often arises because both professions deal with improving living spaces. Additionally, a well-organized space can significantly enhance its aesthetic appeal, and a beautifully designed room can be easier to keep organized. However, their core goals differ: professional organizers prioritize functionality and order, while interior designers focus on visual harmony and style.

Professional Organization: De-clutter and Optimize

Professional organizers specialize in de-cluttering and optimizing the use of space. Professional organizers are particularly beneficial when you feel overwhelmed by clutter and need a practical, systematic approach to getting your space under control.

Their primary focus is on creating order out of chaos, ensuring that every item has a place and that your home functions efficiently. They work with you to sort through belongings, decide what to keep, donate, or discard, and implement storage solutions that make it easy to maintain organization.

Best for:

  • De-cluttering spaces like closets, garages, and kitchens: Professional organizers help you sift through and sort items in high-clutter areas, making these spaces more functional and easier to navigate.
  • Developing personalized storage solutions: They create customized storage plans tailored to your specific needs and space constraints.
  • Improving daily functionality and ease of access: By organizing your belongings logically and efficiently, they enhance your daily routines and reduce the time spent searching for items.
  • Helping with life transitions such as moving, downsizing, or welcoming a new family member: Organizers assist in managing significant changes by helping you sort and organize your belongings, making transitions smoother.

Interior Design: Enhance Aesthetic and Atmosphere

Interior designers, on the other hand, focus on the aesthetics and overall atmosphere of a space. They aim to create visually appealing environments that reflect your personal style and preferences.

Interior designers bring artistic vision and technical expertise to transform your home into a stylish and comfortable haven. This can involve selecting color schemes, furniture, lighting, and accessories to create a cohesive look.

Best for:

  • Redesigning living spaces for a fresh look: Interior designers can transform any room by updating its design elements to match your evolving tastes and needs.
  • Coordinating new furniture and decor: They help you select and arrange furnishings and decor to create a harmonious and stylish environment.
  • Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home: Designers focus on visual elements to make your home more beautiful and inviting.
  • Undertaking major renovations or remodels: For large-scale projects, interior designers provide the vision and planning necessary to achieve a cohesive and attractive outcome.

DIY vs. Professional Help

Deciding between a DIY approach and professional help can depend on the scope of your project and your personal skills. Small organizational tasks, like tidying up a closet, might be manageable on your own with some basic tools and strategies. 

However, larger projects, such as redesigning an entire living room or organizing a whole house, can benefit from professional expertise to achieve optimal results efficiently. Professionals can save you time and stress, and their experience can prevent common pitfalls that DIY efforts might encounter. Professional organization companies, like Clutterless Home Solutions, for example, excel at de-cluttering everything from pantries and closets to living rooms and whole houses. 

A Clean Home Has a Huge Impact on Mental Health

A well-organized and beautifully designed space can have significant psychological benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. Professional organization addresses the stress and anxiety caused by clutter, creating order out of chaos and ensuring that every item has a place. This can lead to increased productivity, as you spend less time searching for items and more time focusing on important tasks. Additionally, an organized environment enhances your sense of control, which can empower you in other areas of your life. A clutter-free bedroom can also improve sleep quality, promoting better cognitive function and emotional regulation.

Interior design, on the other hand, focuses on creating visually pleasing environments that resonate with your personal style, contributing to your emotional well-being. A beautifully designed space can evoke feelings of happiness and satisfaction, transforming your home into a sanctuary. The strategic use of colors, lighting, and decor by interior designers can significantly influence your mood, creating atmospheres that promote positive emotions. Personal expression through your living space enhances your sense of self and provides a deeper connection to your home, while a well-designed space also offers social benefits by fostering welcoming environments for friends and family.

Combining professional organization and interior design maximizes the positive impact on your mental health by providing a holistic environment that supports both functional efficiency and emotional well-being. An organized and aesthetically pleasing home becomes a sanctuary where you can relax, recharge, and thrive. Maintaining balance in such a space is simpler, as regular maintenance becomes easier when every item has a designated place, allowing your home to remain a source of pride and comfort. By integrating these services, you can transform your home into a nurturing environment that significantly enhances your mental health and overall quality of life.

Pricing and Availability

Professional Organization

  • Pricing: Typically, professional organizers charge by the hour, with rates ranging from $50 to $150 per hour depending on experience and location. Some, such as Clutterless Home Solutions, may offer package deals for larger projects, or multiple days booked at once!
  • Availability: Availability can vary, but many organizers offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs. It’s advisable to book a consultation to discuss your project and get a customized plan. We recommend scheduling an appointment weeks or even months in advance, as our books fill up quickly — the spring and summer months are our busiest. 

Interior Design

  • Pricing: Interior designers often charge by the hour (ranging from $100 to $300) or by project, with rates depending on the scope of work, the designer’s experience, and the location. Additional costs can include furniture, decor, and materials.
  • Availability: Interior designers might have longer lead times, especially for extensive projects. Booking in advance and having a clear timeline can ensure a smoother process.

Organize Your Home Today With Professional Organization Services in Denver 

Choosing between professional organization and interior design depends on your specific needs and goals. If you seek to de-clutter and streamline your space, a professional organizer is the way to go. If your aim is to transform the look and feel of your home, an interior designer will bring your vision to life. Understanding the distinct benefits of each service will help you make an informed decision and ultimately enhance your living environment.

For more information on how Clutterless Home Solutions can assist with your organizational needs, or to get a quote, contact us. We’re here to help you create a home that is both functional and beautiful.

What’s the Difference Between Professional Organization and Cleaning?

professional organization vs cleaning

When looking to enhance your home environment, the terms “organization” and “cleaning” often surface. Although they may seem alike, they are distinct services with different objectives and approaches. Knowing these differences can help you choose the appropriate service for your needs.

This article will delve into organization and cleaning, highlighting their differences and similarities. We will also discuss interior design and professional organization pricing, the benefits of hiring professionals, and how a clean and organized space positively impacts mental health.

Understanding the Overlap

The overlap between professional organization and cleaning can cause confusion, as both aim to improve living spaces. An organized home naturally stays cleaner because there is less clutter to accumulate dust. Similarly, a clean space is easier to organize since items are more accessible. 

Despite these overlaps, professional organizers focus on order and efficiency. A professional organizer will remove clutter and place like-items together in a way that makes it more convenient to find and access. For example, if you find yourself always struggling to find something in your pantry, a professional organizer can make it so everything is in its right place. Additionally, a professional organizer can create a sorting and labeling system for you, allowing you to keep the space organized long after they’re gone.  

Cleaners, on the other hand, ensure a space is tidy. While they can throw away junk and remove clutter, they don’t typically organize items. If you simply want clear floors and counters, a cleaner is the right choice.

Professional Organization: Enhancing Order and Efficiency

Professional organizers aim to create a structured and efficient living space. They assist in de-cluttering and implementing customized storage solutions to make maintaining order easier. Their expertise lies in transforming chaotic spaces into functional ones where everything has its place.

Ideal for:

  • Maximizing storage: Organizers can turn cluttered areas like closets, garages, and kitchens into organized, functional spaces.
  • Life changes: Moving, downsizing, or preparing for a new family member can be more manageable with the help of a professional organizer.
  • Customized solutions: They offer tailored storage systems that fit your specific needs and lifestyle.
  • Sustained organization: With efficient systems in place, maintaining a clutter-free home becomes simpler over time.

Professional organizers focus on making your home more functional and easier to navigate, improving your daily life.

Cleaning: Ensuring Cleanliness and Health

Cleaning services are dedicated to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. Cleaners handle tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and disinfecting to keep your home free from dirt and germs. Their main goal is to create a healthy living space by removing allergens and bacteria.

Best suited for:

  • Routine upkeep: Regular cleaning keeps your home consistently clean and healthy.
  • Deep cleaning: Periodic deep cleaning tackles areas often missed during regular cleanings, such as behind appliances and inside cabinets.
  • Specialty cleaning: Professional cleaners can manage specific tasks like carpet cleaning, window washing, and upholstery cleaning.
  • Immediate cleanliness: Cleaning services provide quick, noticeable improvements in your home’s cleanliness.

Cleaning services ensure your home is a healthy and pleasant place by focusing on hygiene and cleanliness.

DIY or Professional Help?

Deciding between doing it yourself and hiring professionals depends on the scope of your project and your personal abilities. Small tasks, like organizing a closet, might be manageable on your own with basic tools. However, larger undertakings, such as a whole-house organization or a deep clean, benefit from professional expertise for optimal results. Professionals save you time and reduce stress, and their experience can help avoid common DIY mistakes.

Mental Health Benefits of a Clean and Organized Home

An organized and clean home can greatly impact your mental health. De-cluttering and organizing reduce stress and anxiety by creating order from chaos. This leads to increased productivity, as less time is spent searching for items, and enhances your sense of control. A clutter-free bedroom can also improve sleep quality, benefiting cognitive function and emotional well-being.

Cleaning services contribute to mental health by maintaining a hygienic environment that reduces allergens and bacteria. A clean home promotes overall well-being by minimizing health risks and creating a pleasant atmosphere. Combining these services creates a sanctuary where you can relax and recharge, supporting both functional efficiency and emotional well-being.

Pricing and Scheduling

Professional Organization:

  • Cost: Typically, organizers charge between $50 to $150 per hour, based on experience and location. Clutterless Home Solutions offers organization packages starting at $1,000 for one a day with one organizer, though projects that require additional organizers cost more. 
  • Availability: Many organizers have flexible schedules to fit your needs. Booking a consultation helps outline your requirements and create a personalized plan.

Cleaning Services:

  • Cost: Cleaning services generally charge $25 to $75 per hour or by the job for specific tasks like deep cleaning. Prices vary based on the scope of work and home size.
  • Availability: Regular cleaning slots are often available weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Booking in advance is recommended for deep cleaning or specialized tasks.

Enhance Your Home Today With Clutterless Home Solutions

Choosing between professional organization and cleaning services depends on your specific needs. If de-cluttering and improving functionality are your goals, a professional organizer is ideal. If maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is your priority, cleaning services are the way to go. Understanding the benefits of each service helps you make an informed decision, ensuring your home is both orderly and clean.For more information on how Clutterless Home Solutions can assist with your organizational needs or to get a quote, contact us. We’re here to help you create a home that is both functional and beautiful.

What goes where when organizing and how should I design it?

Follow this 8 step process to organize any area:

Follow this 8 step process to organize any area:

  1. Take everything out of your area
  2. Categorize all of your items and get rid of trash
  3. Purge Items
  4. Get containers for your “groups” of items
  5. Put items into your containers and label them
  6. Store like-items together in your space i.e. First aid kits with Band-Aids, and hair supplies with other hair supplies
  7. Make adjustments that work for you
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

When designing a space try a minimal design at first and add to it over time. Try fun designs like painting an accent wall, adding plants & art, or using trendy furniture there are plenty of ways to make a design yours.

Where to start when organizing your room, garage, closet, kitchen or any area of your home

  1. Take everything out of your area
  2. Categorize all of your items and get rid of trash
  3. Purge Items
  4. Get containers for your “groups” of items
  5. Put items into your containers and label them
  6. Store like-items together in your space i.e. First aid kits with Band-Aids, and hair supplies with other hair supplies
  7. Make adjustments that work for you
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Why does organizing feel so good?

Organizing your space can help your mind calm down, and the organizing and cleaning can be very therapeutic. Organizing can bring you joy and can help to eliminate stress, anxiety & overwhelm from our lives.

What does organizing mean?

Oxford Languages defines organizing as: arrange into a structured whole; order. We define it as “Decluttering & Organizing to make your home look amazing!”

10 Essential Tips for Spring Cleaning and Decluttering

Spring Cleaning is in the air! When it comes to home organizing, there is just something about getting the house clean and decluttered after being locked in due to the snow (and that can’t be a truer statement after this weekend!).

Decide What Matters Most

When it comes to cleaning and organizing, the most important thing to remember is to avoid feeling overwhelmed. If you start to feel anxious, I like to focus on one task at a time and complete it entirely before moving on to another.

If you’re cleaning the kitchen, start at the top and finish the entire space (I do advise to do the floors on each level last in order to maximize the cleaning time and effort!) before you move on.

If you’re decluttering or purging a closet, bring trash bags or containers and label where the items are going (trash, donate or consignment/sell) so there aren’t large piles of clothing on the floor around you.

Organization is a beautiful thing because it can be catered to the individuals needs and helps you find the things you need in your home!

Establish New Cleaning Habits

Set yourself up for success! A clean and organized home isn’t just about having a clean environment, but it actually changes your mental state.

Leo Babuta, a zen habits blogger, states that you want to “make it so easy, you can’t say no”.

Start with something small. When you make dinner, make it a habit to clean up the dishes before you go to bed. When you get home, always hang your jacket and keys in the same place.

Building these habits overtime can help you grow into being more organized.

Something my dad always said helps me set my standard for keeping a certain habit: “Leave the place as if you had never been there”. This has always been a good mantra for me keeping my kitchen clean!

Set A Timer

To keep yourself on track, set your organizing or cleaning time to a specific goal to stay motivated. Set your timer to 20 minutes and focus on one area to keep up the pace you’ve set to clean the house.

Giving yourself spurts of productive time can help keep projects manageable and keep you from feeling overwhelmed. This can also be a helpful way to break up the day when you’re working from home. Set a time to get up every 2-3 hours to complete a task or do a quick chore.

Letting chores and tasks build up can make the to-do list feel overwhelming, so breaking it down and setting a time limit can make the process manageable (maybe even fun?? or at least not tortuous).

One “easy win” you can achieve within this time limit is organizing the junk drawer. We like to clear out these spaces, add in some drawer organizers and dividers and call it a utility drawer!

Change out/Clean Your Shower Curtains

Something not many people think of is switching out your shower curtains.

You can either fill a spray bottle with vinegar and wipe down the plastic curtain or you can simply switch them out once a year. If you’re going to clean the curtain, I suggest taking it down from the rod (don’t want it to come crashing down!) and laying it out with the plastic side up. This will give you full access to clean and disinfect the surface.

You can also throw your actual curtain in the wash (if it’s fabric) — this will help make your bathroom feel fresh and new!

Closet Clean-up (Winter Items)

Since winter is drawing to a close, it’s time to start moving a few of your heavier sweaters out of rotation. Whether you do a seasonal switch-out or you have room to keep everything in your main closet (lucky!!), be honest with yourself about what things you wore this season (or even refer back to last season).

A good rule of thumb here is to ask yourself, “would I buy this item if I were at the store right now?” If it’s a no, then maybe it’s time to throw it in the donation bag.

If you need additional motivation, check out our blog posts on why it’s normal to get rid of things or our Ultimate Guide to organize your home in less than a month!

Clean up the Washer & Dryer

Another way to refresh this spring is to clean out your washer and dryer. If we want our clothes to stay clean, we should keep the washing machine clean and fresh as well.

I like to throw in a washing machine tablet in once a month and always keep the door to the washer open to keep the machine fresh. Another good tip is to switch over your laundry quickly after the cycle — leaving clothes in the washer can create a mildew-y smell that will be hard to get rid of.

As for the dryer, you can take your precision attachment to your vacuum and get deeper inside the lint trap. Another area you can vacuum is your dryer vent tube. Lint can accumulate here as well.

Clean out Your Purses

When you change your purse frequently, it’s good to go through all your different satchels and handbags to clear the items you’ve left in them. This can become a fun treasure trove of gift cards and change — you may even be able to take yourself out to dinner.

Cleaning out your purses can make changing out handbags feel like a new shopping experience!

In this closet we did, we categorized the purses into seasonal sections and used them as hanging decor! Check out some before and after photos here!

Paperwork, Paperwork… Paperwork!

Everyone dreads paperwork cleanup. This can be a good yearly cleaning activity to clear out old and outdated paperwork to keep your files updated.

The general rules of thumb for paperwork maintenance include: keep 10 years for business tax history, keep 7 years of tax history (all W2’s, donation receipts and helpful tax info), 1 year for paper pay stubs, 1 month for receipts, utility payments and withdrawal records.

*You can also keep your tax documents (W2’s and other tax forms) for longer to keep a financial record.

With the emergence of online documentation, you can cull down your paperwork into more manageable storage. I like to separate out my business and personal paperwork in these adorable file organizers from Target:

Change Up Your Decor

Another fun and exciting way to get motivated for spring cleaning is to change up your decor. A seasonal wreath or changing out pictures or paintings around the house can make your home feel fresh and new.

You can achieve this through changing out wall art and accent pieces on the coffee table, painting your walls a fresh color or creating an accent wall, or even by updating your pillows!

Squeegee Your Windows

What a difference clean windows can make in creating a new and clean space. The new light of spring is coming in and now that we have lighter evenings, you can enjoy the sunset through your spotless windows.

To take it another step further, you can also take this yearly spring cleaning event to scrub your blinds from dust and grime buildup and clean out the tracks of the windows.

After you’ve completed your spring cleaning, treat yourself to some fresh flowers and open up the windows to let in the sweet breeze.

Talk soon,

Clutterless Home Solutions Team

10 Gifts to Cut the Clutter this Christmas

If you’re at a loss for what to give for Christmas this year (because none of us need more STUFF!), here are some fun ideas and experiences to make this holiday special. This especially works if you’re getting down to the wire and you haven’t been able to find that perfect gift for someone on your list.

We all know that it’s the thought that counts and spending time with your loved ones over something that may gather dust on the shelf 6 months from now shows that your gift is truly coming from the heart.

1. A Year’s Worth of Outings

Grab twelve envelopes, and in each one slip a piece of paper with plans for a free date/outing you can do together that month. At the start of each month in the new year, have the receiver open up the envelope to see what fun lies ahead for you two.

This could be the perfect gift for your significant other, or even one a parent/grandparent (I know my mom would love this!).

2. Put Together a Time Capsule

Grab a box with a lock, or at least a lid, and place in it fun memories from this year or years past, like popular clothing items, photos, tickets, or anything sentimental to the both of you. When done, make sure you write on top for them not to open until a specific date.

This gift could be fun with a child or grandchild because the memories will be adorable to look at even 5 years from then! It’s perfect and unique because it’ll just be memories for the two of you -or (grand)parents with each (grand)child!

3. Do Something They’ve Always Wanted to Do

This year for my dad, we decided to take a trip to a nearby observatory. I noticed that he was getting interested in astronomy and using his telescope at the house, so this could be a fun outing for the two of us (when restrictions are lifted, of course!). Gifts like these kinds of experiences are the ones that you remember forever.

This would be a great gift for someone who who eco-friendly and enjoys acts of service!

4. Let Them Have That Thing They Always Borrow

If your friend or family member is always “borrowing” a tee from you (read: stealing and wearing, 24/7), just complete the transition and give it to them. It’ll be the perfect inside joke between the two of you, and now they no longer need to ask your permission!

I did this with my best friend. She always admired one of my winter coats and since it wasn’t something I wore frequently in the winter months, I gifted it to her! She was so ecstatic — sometimes it’s best to get gift ideas from listening or observing the way people interact or look at something.

5. Offer to House-Sit

Whether they’re wrangling a puppy or taking care of a child at home, offer some sitting services by gifting them a night out on the town or a weekend away without having to book a sitter.

Give them the gift of time! Babysitters (good ones at least!) are hard to come by and schedule around an already busy schedule. Overwhelmed parents will definitely appreciate this one.

6. Food — Yum!

Cook a dinner or go full-on Martha Stewart and give baked goodies to all your friends. It’s a gift everyone will appreciate. Who doesn’t love cookies? And there’s a free pass because we are all wearing bulky sweaters.

One year, we made reindeer cocoa bags and cookies for all of our friends when we were in school and everyone loved the little homemade gift — and it was fun to put together!

7. Put Together Your Own Cookbook

Does your friend or family member like to cook? Bake? Mix drinks? If so, compile recipes you love, along with any treasured family recipes. Choose themes relating to his or her life and introduce each section of the cookbook with a little personalized note. If they went to school down South, include a Southern comfort food section.

My sister-in-law made the cutest gluten-free cookbook for my mom and it’s one of the gifts she has used the most since she received it! Plus you can make the excuse to scrapbook!

8. Make a book of Memories with StoryWorth

It’s time to capture your family stories! StoryWorth is this cool new service that sends an email to your family member (this could be a popular gift from grandchild to grandma/grandpa) with a question prompt. The gift receiver then responds to each email (and you get to read all about your family’s fun stories), and at the end of the year, the emails are compiled into a book that you get to keep.

You can learn more about StoryWorth here.

Perfect gift for grandparent from grandchild!

9. Go On a Picnic

Grab some cocoa, soup in a thermos and a blanket to get cozy and enjoy our beautiful Colorado winter! Tell your gift receiver you’ll organize an outing at your favorite park with a blanket, homemade snacks, and maybe a game or two to play on your picnic. Don’t forget to make a playlist for the outing to make it a little bit more special.

Perfect for a couple, a group of friends or family. Time spent together is the greatest gift of all.

10. Give the gift of organizing!

Nothing feels better than having a clean and organized home (we sure love it!). We have been gifting a TON of organizing lately for the holiday season and winter birthdays. Especially with so much time at home, people are starting to realize how much they hate clutter!!

We also believe (not because we are biased or anything), that organizing is the perfect gift for anyone!

Reach out to us here to chat more about giving the joy of organizing!

Talk Soon,

Clutterless Home Solutions Team

Why You Should Feel Totally Normal Getting Rid Of Things

We have to limit the number of items in our homes

It is important for us to limit the number of items in our homes, because too many items lead to an increase in stress and clutter.

By having too many items in our home it can make us feel overwhelmed, frantic, and quite frankly like we just can’t get a handle of our things.

Ask yourself a question: how many items in my home do I really use frequently, or find joy in? 

The answer is probably only a few or a handful of items throughout your home, when the average American household has about 300,000 items.

Limit the number of items in your home to the things that actually bring you joy and happiness, and try to reduce the clutter in your home and in your mind.

You get to decide what you keep — it’s your home and your sanctuary

You are the master of your domain, and you get to make the decisions about what lives there.

If there are items that you have had for a long time that you haven’t been using and you’re pretty sure you won’t be using anytime soon, it’s time to get rid of them and someone else may be able to make use out of them.

You control your home and items in it, so it can be liberating to reduce the amount of clutter and actually make it into a place that you love to relax in, rather than it feeling like a storage unit.

If it’s just taking up space… do you really need it?

Have you ever looked around your home, and noticed how many things or items are just taking up space?

Do you really need four different waffle irons, or should you just save your favorite one and donate or sell the rest?

It’s easy for us to just keep adding items and clutter into our homes –accumulation is natural when you’ve lived in the same home (and with the same people!) for a long time.

There are several strategies you can try out to help keep your house clear of the clutter. Some people like the “one in, one out” method. Every time you buy something new, try to donate or gift something you haven’t used in a while.

Some people like to time themselves and organize or purge for a certain amount of time (I’ve heard of the 17 minute method), so they are always are of the things they have in their homes.

The major part of why clutter has become such a big stressor is because when it gets out of control, it can feel overwhelming — many of my clients complain they just don’t know where to start.

You are not going to hurt people when getting rid of gifts or unused items

When you get rid of gifts that you got from family or friends, you aren’t doing it to hurt those people. You are doing it to regain order in your home, and reduce stress and feel mental clarity.

By having less things in our homes we feel as if we are lighter, and it can give us a sense of freedom. 

By owning less stuff and having less clutter, this can help us reduce stress, and make us feel less burdened and overwhelmed.

This is important so we can focus on the crucial things in life, rather than trying to organize at home with 300,000 items.

Feeling sad or sentimental when getting rid of items is normal

We all have good memories when you inevitably find that box of high school memorabilia, or that feeling of nostalgia that make us feel attached, but it’s important to find new ways to enjoy your memories instead of storing them in a dusty box in the attic.

It can be difficult to get rid of these items that bring about thoughts of happy memories, but the memories that we have of them are what is important.

Many of our clients ask us how they can keep memorabilia or what we would suggest about how to store it.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but looking back on the things I kept from high school or college, the things that are important for me to remember now are different, just like your style changes are you grow and mature.

The best advice we can give you as you’re sorting through your memorabilia, is that if it makes you laugh or reminds you of a happy time, that it’s fine to keep it, but only keep those items that do! You can also limit yourself to one box for each “era” if you want to keep things simple.

Think about letting those items go to better use where people will cherish them more

Try thinking about how you are giving away these unused or cherished items to another person, and that they can use it to the fullest extent and fully enjoy it.

This is also a good way to get your kids on board for getting rid of toys they aren’t using anymore.

It can make the transition easier for everyone if you think about the benefits of giving someone else who could enjoy one of your extra waffle makers you have lying around.

Putting in your mind that donating or giving away items you aren’t using will be put to better use, can give you some happiness by knowing that it will be in better hands.

You can also think of people that could use the items or benefit from the item, and it can make you feel good by giving those items to someone in need of them.

It makes it easier if you have to move

This one is pretty simple — the less you have in your house when you move, the easier your move should be. Another perk of having less in your home when you go to move is that it will cost less if you have less to move!

Moving is a great excuse to get rid of things, but don’t wait until you have to move to do this!!

Making a habit out of purging items from your home when you no longer use them!

Minimalism can be a great thing & lead to a simpler life

By reducing the number of items in our homes, and adopting a more minimalistic attitude, you will see that you’ll lead simpler life with less stress.

This change can be difficult to implement, but with a bit of a learning curve, it can also be liberating at the end! When you realize you are keeping the items that bring you joy or are useful to you instead of holding onto everything you’ve ever accumulated, you start to feel like you have more freedom and time for the things you want to do!

Constant chaos and clutter can hold you back from being more productive, spending time on your hobbies, making time for friends or family and overall keep you majorly stressed out!

Clutter can drain your energy without you even knowing it.

Don’t be held back by how expensive something was… it’s time to let go (and maybe get some money back for something you actually want!)

Have you ever not gotten rid of something because you paid a bunch of money for it, even though you don’t use it?

The rule is always as follows: “If you don’t use it, haven’t used it recently and won’t use it in the future (be honest with yourself!), it may be time to get rid of it and create more space in your home for things that bring you joy, happiness or usefulness.

Don’t get stuck on how much you paid or how much it was worth, and rather ask yourself if it should still have a place in your home and whether your time and happiness are worth more.

“Just in case” is an excuse to hold onto things

Don’t live your life by the saying “just in case”  as this can cause you to keep silly items for way too long, just in case something pops up.

A lot of people use this as an excuse essentially to keep more things in their home. Let’s be honest. If you haven’t worn that cardigan that you may wear in this specific situation (that hasn’t ever happened), you can let it go — and get something for a more common scenario 😉.

If you are worried about making some money off of your items in your home, try using apps such as Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and Offer Up (we can also help with that!)

This can be a great place to start if you are looking to make some extra cash off of your unused or unwanted items.

As always, make sure that you are not scared of asking for help, and that you can learn how  to create a less stressful home, with items in there that bring you joy or usefulness.

If you don’t believe us, believe the Berenstain Bears!

Clutterless Home Solutions would love to help you organize your home in Denver, and we are always here to help, even if you just need to ask a question or just want to say hi.

Talk Soon,

CHS Team