9 Alarming Things You Need To Know About Decluttering Before Moving! (#3 Will Blow Your Mind)

clean modern office space

Have you ever decluttered your home? It’s one of the most effective ways to ensure that an upcoming move is stress-free.

And it’s also a fantastic way to honor the memories forged in your old home before you begin a new chapter of life.

Though you may not think your home is cluttered, there’s no doubt that if you take a closer look, you’ll find a trove of surplus, broken, or expired stuff – it can happen to any of us!

But decluttering comes with some benefits such as if you sell the items at a yard sale or in a local marketplace, you can line your pockets with some extra cash, and this is never a bad thing when moving!

So, are you looking for tips on managing time, staying on task, and remaining optimistic about decluttering? No worries; you’ve come to the right place.

We are a professional organizer service in Denver and will share all of our best tips today!

Why You Should Always Declutter Before Moving

Finding the time to declutter before moving makes your life easier in several ways. For starters, decluttering leaves less stuff to pack, transport, unload, and unpack.

We all know that moving is stressful and a lot of hard work, so when you rid yourself of clutter, it leaves you with more energy and time because you don’t have to focus on items you don’t need or want.

But not only does decluttering before a move save you time, but it also saves you money! Just think how much less you’ll spend on boxes, tape, packing paper, etc.

And if you’re hiring a moving company, you’ll also save on that cost – all of which decreases the total price of your move.

And finally, decluttering helps the unpacking process go much faster because you won’t have to worry about finding homes for items that don’t fit anywhere else or that you don’t often use.

Instead, you can focus on creating a home you love that’s free from clutter!

9 Professional Tips for Decluttering Before A Move

Decluttering can leave your house looking great and you feeling renewed, but the task can feel daunting if you don’t have a plan in place.

And when you combine this with moving, things can go downhill pretty quickly.

Knowing where, when, and how to declutter will make the process easier for you – and you may even have some fun! So, let’s take a look at our 9 pro tips for decluttering before a move:

1 Start Sooner Rather Than Later

Waiting to start decluttering the weekend before your move doesn’t leave you time to make much progress.

The truth is, this is a problem that we see all the time among our clients.

Some of them will wait until the last minute and then realize they have way more stuff than they thought.

Therefore we recommend starting to declutter your home anywhere from two months up to one year before you move.

So, even if you don’t have a moving date set as of yet, this is an excellent time to begin paring down your belongings.

Another thing worth noting is that the process can get overwhelming and emotional, so do your best to remain motivated and positive.

It works really well to tell yourself that trimming down on things will save money, help you start fresh, and maybe even make you some extra cash. You will be amazed at how free you feel after stuff you no longer need in your life is gone!

2 Don’t Take A Trip Down Memory Lane

As we mentioned, decluttering before a move can get emotional.

This part is unavoidable as you sift through possessions and find yourself reminded of moments you’ve forgotten.

We’ve had clients in the past who tried to declutter on their own, only to make it through one partial room in their house.

They end up pulling out a photo or child’s artwork, and the memories come flooding back.

The next thing they know, several hours have passed, but they’ve made no progress.

A good rule of thumb to help fight this urge is when you feel deeply connected to an item, keep it and take a trip down memory lane later.

3 Divide and Conquer (This one’s our favorite!)

This is our favorite decluttering hack that we use for all of our clients. We separate sorted items into various piles depending on their final destination.

Here are some pile ideas you may want to use while decluttering:





Shred (Personal or sensitive documents)



With this process, you just throw the item in the corresponding pile and keep moving. Once you’re finished with the entire room, take a quick look through each pile to see if you want to change anything, and then put them in their respective spots.

4 Begin With Rooms or Items You Rarely Use

Another great decluttering tip is to start with areas of your home that get the least amount of use. In such places, you generally find items that you’ve been living without for some time, so you’ll miss them the least.

And the best part is that you usually find the most items to get rid of here. Therefore, it’s best to begin in places such as the garage, attic, or basement.

One place you don’t want to start is with memorabilia or other items your family uses daily.

The other benefit of starting here is that it’s a great way to train your brain on the decluttering process.

By the time you reach the important parts, you’ll be a professional who deliberates less and has your own effective system.

5 Involve Your Family

This is primarily an important step if you have children.

Be warned that it may take extra time, but it’s vital that they get to help sift through their own belongings.

So, how do you help a four-year-old decide what to keep and what to get rid of? By asking them! Say phrases such as, “Do you play with this toy?” or “Are you ready to let another kid enjoy this, or are you still using it?”

Most kids will be pretty honest, and the benefit is that they’ll grow up with better emotional skills and know how to declutter their stuff later in life.

6 Use A Portable Storage Container

Portable storage containers like PODS are your secret decluttering weapon!

This is perfect for anyone who is downsizing into a smaller home or simply has a lot of things to organize. You begin decluttering and then pack any boxes or furniture that are ready to go inside the POD.

Depending on your needs, the container can be stored at your home or at a secure facility. We use these often and find that they make the process easier and quicker.

Plus, it’s a great way to prevent piles of boxes from sitting in other areas of your home.

And a plus is that if you need time to find a permanent house, your belongings will be safe inside the storage container at a secure PODS location.

7 Dedicate Time for Decluttering

The thing is that most people don’t get too ambitious with sorting through their belongings, and this is why we highly recommend that you dedicate or schedule time for decluttering each week.

In fact, not scheduling time is the biggest mistake that some people make in this process.

It’s best to schedule at least one to three hours each week for decluttering, preferably on a set day and time every week to help create a routine.

During this time, be sure to tune out distractions, so no schedules, appointments, or anything else during that time but decluttering.

If you are coming down to the wire, increasing the minimum hours to three or six each day may be a good idea.

8 Touch Everything

We admit it, decluttering is a long process, but it’s completely worth it!

Just make sure to touch everything in your home. Clean out junk drawers, hit each cabinet, reassess every old box, article of clothing, gadget, and so on.

Don’t leave items unturned.

And keep the motivation strong by telling yourself that you have to go through everything at one time or another; it’s best to do it before you move than while unpacking!

What’s the payoff, you ask? Knowing that when you get to your new house, you won’t have to find spots to store items you don’t need or want!

This means you’ll only bring things you want or love with you on your move.

9 Hire Professional Organizer Services

If you aren’t sure where to start or need help, it’s worth hiring a professional organizer.

Many of our clients wait until the last minute, which is when they’re at their wit’s end and completely overwhelmed.

Gather recommendations for reputable professional organizer services near you from friends, family, neighbors, or even a site like HomeAdvisor, and then schedule a consultation with each service and choose the one you feel would suit your project the best.

The Bottom Line
In the end, decluttering your home just makes you feel good, and it frees up space!

So, whether you’re moving or not, take the time to organize your house.

And if you don’t have time to do so personally, hire a professional organizer service to help.

Our professionals at Clutterless Home Solutions provide organizing services to clients all around the Denver metro area.

Regardless if you live in Fort Collins, Pueblo, or any other suburb of the Mile High City – give us a call today; we’d love to help declutter and organize your home!

Why Is Organizing Important In Management | Discover 3 Actionable Steps You Can Take!

Great managers keep a clean house, so to speak. Essentially, this boils down to having clear lines of communication, a system for assigning tasks, and proper processes to ensure everything is done the same way every time. At the core of all this is organization, both in the physical sense and the managerial sense. Organizing tasks and roles can be as important to the efficiency of a team as organizing a desk drawer is important to an individual employee.  

Creating a structured, clutter-free environment cuts down on human error and misunderstandings. In this article, we will explore how organization impacts management skills, the benefits it brings to teams and businesses, and provide actionable tips to help you get organized.

How Does Organization Impact Management Skills? 

An organized manager can make better decisions, as a clear and structured workspace allows for greater focus and more efficient processing of information. This clarity reduces cognitive load and enhances decision-making capabilities. Moreover, organized managers can better prioritize tasks, manage their time more effectively, and reduce the likelihood of delays. 

Managers who maintain an organized system can communicate more clearly and provide timely updates to team members and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone understands their tasks and responsibilities. This clarity helps to foster a positive work environment, boosting team morale and motivation. Additionally, an organized workspace reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed, lowering stress levels and contributing to better mental and physical health for the manager, which in turn enables them to perform at their best.

For the team and the business, the benefits of an organized approach are substantial. Streamlined processes and minimized disruptions allow team members to maintain focus and productivity. A well-organized workspace creates a professional environment that enhances job satisfaction and morale. 

Three Tips To Get Organized

1. Simplify Your Life By Removing Junk

    Start small by getting rid of the trash in your life: trash emails (click that unsubscribe button!), random pieces of paper, or even actual trash around your desk. This will help build momentum and create more efficiency in your work!

    Beginning your organization journey by tackling the clutter in your immediate surroundings can have a profound impact on your overall productivity. To clean your workspace, start by doing the following: 

    • Emails: Unsubscribe from newsletters and promotional emails that no longer serve you to streamline your digital workspace.
    • Tasks: Whether you use Asana or Monday, look through your list of tasks and delete outdated or irrelevant tasks. 
    • Physical Clutter: Discard random pieces of paper and actual trash that have accumulated around your desk.

    As you see immediate improvements in your environment, it motivates you to continue with the organizational process. Over time, maintaining a clutter-free workspace can lead to increased efficiency, as you spend less time searching for items and more time focused on your work. Additionally, a tidy environment can reduce stress and create a more pleasant workspace, further enhancing your productivity and overall well-being.

    2. Give the Rest of It Away

      One effective way to maintain a clutter-free workspace is to regularly evaluate and donate items that you no longer use. Reflect on the items you’ve actually utilized in the past 6-12 months. If certain items have not been used within this time frame, they are likely candidates for donation. This practice helps you let go of unnecessary items that contribute to clutter and take up valuable space. By donating these items, you not only declutter your workspace but also support those in need, creating a positive impact beyond your immediate environment.

      Keeping piles of unused items on your desk can significantly decrease productivity by creating a chaotic and overwhelming atmosphere. A clean and organized workspace is crucial for maintaining mental clarity and working efficiently. When your environment is free from unnecessary items, you can better focus on the tasks at hand without being distracted by clutter. Regularly donating unused items ensures that your workspace remains tidy and functional, promoting a more productive and stress-free work experience. Additionally, this habit can foster a sense of generosity and community involvement, as you contribute to helping others through your donations.

      3. Put Things Where They Belong 

        Creating an organizational system by grouping similar items together can significantly enhance your efficiency and reduce frustration. Start by categorizing your office supplies, such as pens, staples, paperclips, and notepads. Designate specific areas or containers for each category, ensuring that everything has its place.

        In addition to office supplies, consider organizing backstock items, important documents, and computer cords into clearly labeled sections. By grouping like items together, you create a systematic approach to storage that enhances orderliness and accessibility. While organizing all these items can take time, it’s a worthwhile investment in your future productivity and well-being — a clean office can do wonders for your stress. 

        Clutterless Home Solutions: Organization Solutions For Your Home and Office

        Organization is a vital component of effective management. A clean, clutter-free environment helps managers make better decisions, improve time management, and reduce stress. The benefits extend beyond the individual, positively impacting team productivity, communication, and overall business efficiency. A well-organized environment fosters a professional and motivated workforce, leading to higher-quality outputs and significant cost savings. By prioritizing organization, managers can create a more efficient, productive, and successful business environment.

        Ready to transform your workspace and boost your management skills? Clutterless Home Solutions, a Denver-based organization services company, is here to help. Our expert team can assist you in creating an organized, efficient workspace tailored to your needs. Contact Clutterless Home Solutions today and discover the difference that a professional organization can make for you and your business.

        Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Organized

        time to organize at clutterless home solutions

        Ever feel like you’re drowning in a sea of clutter? From misplaced keys to an overflowing junk drawer, disorganization can wreak havoc on our lives. But fear not, because getting organized isn’t just about tidying up — it’s about transforming your entire lifestyle. 

        In this blog, we’ll give you the top three reasons why embracing organization can make a world of difference. Then, we’ll cover easy, affordable organization tips. If you’re ready to start turning your space into a clean and clutter-free zone, keep reading below.  

        1. It Makes Your Daily Life Easier!

        Imagine waking up to a spotless, perfectly organized home. Your shoes are exactly where they should be, your kitchen counters are clear, and you can find everything you need without a frantic search. When your living space is tidy, it sets the tone for the rest of your day. You move through your routine smoothly, with less time wasted and fewer frustrations. This streamlined approach doesn’t just save you time; it boosts your productivity and makes daily tasks feel like a breeze. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about knowing where everything is — no more scrambling for that elusive remote or those car keys!

        2. It Can Help Reduce Stress, Anxiety, & Overwhelm

        A messy space can lead to a messy mind, leading to feelings of stress. When you take the time to declutter and organize, you’re not just cleaning up your space; you’re creating a peaceful environment that fosters mental clarity and relaxation. Think of it as a form of self-care. Reducing visual clutter can lower your stress levels, helping you feel more in control and less anxious. In other words, a tidy space can lead to a tidy mind. Enough said.

        3. It Can Make Your Home Look Amazing

        Who doesn’t love a beautifully organized home? When everything is in its place, your living space can truly shine. From neatly arranged bookshelves to a meticulously organized pantry, an orderly home is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. It creates an inviting atmosphere that you’ll love coming home to and your guests will admire. And let’s be honest — there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing that your neighbors might be just a tad bit jealous of your pristine abode. Whether it’s the envy of your perfectly organized garage or the admiration for your color-coordinated closet, a well-organized home is sure to impress.

        So, what are you waiting for? Start organizing today and enjoy the countless benefits that come with a clutter-free life. From reducing stress to making your home look fantastic, the advantages are endless. Happy organizing!

        Easy Ways To Start Organizing

        Ready to transform your home into an organized oasis? Here are some practical, affordable tips to get you started on your journey to a clutter-free life.

        Start Small

        Begin with one area at a time. It could be a single drawer, a closet, or a specific corner of a room. Focusing on small sections makes the task less overwhelming and more manageable. Sometimes, completing one small task is enough to build momentum, giving you the motivation you need to tackle bigger challenges. 

        Declutter Regularly

        Make it a habit to go through your belongings regularly. Donate or discard items you no longer need or use. The changing of seasons can serve as a reminder, so pay close attention to items as you put them into storage or bring them out. Also, a good rule of thumb is the “one in, one out” principle: for every new item you bring into your home, let go of one old item.

        Use Storage Solutions

        A place like the Container Store stocks every type of container imaginable, and while they’re great for organizing, you don’t have to shell out big bucks to make a difference. Use affordable bins, baskets, and drawer organizers to keep items sorted and easily accessible. Dollar stores and discount retailers often have a variety of options.

        Label Everything

        Labels are a simple yet effective way to keep things organized. Use a label maker or even just masking tape and a marker to label shelves, bins, and containers. This helps everyone in the household know where things belong. Some people even use QR codes on storage containers, which can then give a fuller description of the contents within. 

        Maximize Vertical Space

        Take advantage of vertical space by using wall-mounted shelves, hooks, and over-the-door organizers. This frees up floor space and keeps items within easy reach.

        Create a Drop Zone

        Designate a specific area near your entryway for everyday items like keys, mail, and bags. A small table or a few hooks on the wall can help prevent these items from scattering throughout your home.

        Make Use of Multi-Functional Furniture

        Furniture that doubles as storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments or beds with built-in drawers, can help keep your space tidy while providing additional storage.

        Adopt the One-Touch Rule

        The one-touch rule means dealing with items immediately rather than putting them down to handle later. For example, when you come home, hang up your coat right away instead of draping it over a chair.

        Set Up a Cleaning Schedule

        A regular cleaning schedule can help maintain your organizational efforts. Break tasks down into daily, weekly, and monthly chores to keep your home consistently tidy without feeling overwhelmed.

        Leave it to the Professionals

        Too busy to deal with organizing? Hire someone to take that burden off your shoulders. Organization services companies, such as Clutterless Home Solutions, can organize your home in just a few hours. Whether you need help organizing your pantry, kitchen, or bedroom, you’ll end up with a clutter-free space where everything is easily findable. 

        Free Yourself From Clutter with Clutterless Home Solutions

        Embracing organization is more than just a chore; it’s a lifestyle change that can significantly enhance your daily life. From smoother daily routines to reducing stress and creating a beautiful, inviting home, the benefits of a well-organized space are undeniable. By starting small, decluttering regularly, and using practical storage solutions, you can turn your home into a haven of order and tranquility.If you’re looking for organization solutions in Colorado, Clutterless Home Solutions is here to help. As the number one professional organizer in Colorado, you can trust that we’ll get the job done the first time. Contact us today to book your appointment, but don’t wait too long! During our peak months in the spring and summer, we can be booked up several months in advance.

        How much do organizing services cost?

        clutterless home solutions team standing in kitchen smiling

        Organizing services can range from about $30-$150 per hour. Organizers on the higher end tend to have more experience, excellent reviews, & multiple years in business.

        Does organizing bring you joy?

        Organizing can bring you joy, and by reducing the number of items in our homes and only keeping the ones that make us happy, we can help to eliminate stress, anxiety & overwhelm from our lives.

        What’s the purpose or function of organizing?

        Organizing can have many benefits in our lives, but common benefits include a reduction in stress, anxiety & overwhelm. By getting rid of unnecessary items and only keeping items that bring us joy we can live more clutter-free and enjoyable lives.

        What is an organizing business?

        An Organizing Business is a business that will come to your place of residence or business and declutter your items to make your space look amazing. Ask important questions when hiring organizers such as the number of years in business, number of projects completed, and the number of excellent reviews that business has.

        Where to buy organizing boxes/bins?

        For moving boxes that are cardboard I would recommend Lowe’s, Home Depot, or U-haul. There are a ton of good places to shop for bins & containers. For the lower to mid-range bins I would suggest Target, Amazon, Dollar Stores and online retailers! For higher-end products & furniture I would suggest the container store and Wayfair.