How To Organize Kitchen Cabinets And Other Kitchen Organization Tips

kitchen organization tips

Organizing your kitchen can seem daunting, but you’ll find that it’s not that hard — trust us, we’ve done it thousands of times! All you need to do is set aside a few hours to tackle this project, and you’ll benefit from having organized kitchen cabinets, making it easier to find whatever you need. Below, we’ll review our proven five-step process for cleaning and organizing kitchen cabinets. We’ll also cover additional kitchen organizing tips to streamline your kitchen. 

1. Clear Out Your Cabinets 

Start by pulling everything out from the cabinets and drawers.  All of the bowls, plates, cups, silverware, pots, pans — literally all of it. Pulling everything out of the space makes it easier to see which items belong in your kitchen and which are just adding to the clutter of your drawers and cabinets. Don’t be nervous about getting it all out; the process always looks worse before it gets better! 

2. Categorize Is Key

While you pull everything out of the drawers and cabinets, put all the items into categorized groups and discard any trash. This means putting all the plates together, all the pots and pans together, and so on, until everything is in groups with similar items. By grouping like-items together, you’ll easily see what you have or don’t have. You’ll also see what you have too much of, which should make downsizing easier (but more on that next!)

3. Keep, Trash, Donate

With everything categorized, it’s time to look through each pile and decide what you want to keep and what can go. Items you frequently use should stick around, but you might consider getting rid of duplicates. Whether it’s silverware, cooking utensils, small appliances, or one-use kitchen tools, be honest with yourself about what you really use. Everything else can be donated or put in the trash. Lesser used items can be stored in “less valuable real estate” in your kitchen.

4. Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets 

With nothing left in your cabinets, this is the perfect time to wipe down those spaces. Start by dusting off the highest cabinets. Then, move into the cabinets and drawers, wiping the inside and outside. You can also spray disinfectant on all of the handles of the cabinets and drawers.

5. Setting up the System 

With clean kitchen cabinets, it’s now time to put everything back. Storing similar items in drawers and cabinets is a good starting point, but there are ways to further streamline your kitchen.

These are our recommendations on where to put away items in your kitchen cabinets:

Cooking Spoons, Spatulas, etc.: Items like spatulas and cooking spoons should be kept in a drawer closest to the stove, or you can put them on your countertop in a decorative utensil holder. When putting items back into drawers, think about what you use most often and place those in the easiest-to-reach drawers. 

Other Cooking Utensils: Other items you may want in the most accessible drawers are measuring cups and spoons, can openers, silverware, and any other small items you use most often. When placing items in the cabinets, consider who uses them and how often they are used.

Kids Items: Items used mostly by kids are best placed in a low drawer so they can easily reach what they need — this can create autonomy for you kids to put things away!

Pots and Pans: Storing away pots and pans can become annoying with all of the different shapes, sizes, and lids. A great way to organize all those utensils is to install a pot and pan organizer in a cabinet – it organizes them like a file, so you can easily grab the handle!

Large Cooking Equipment: If you have deeper cabinets, it can be helpful to create a “small appliance cabinet.” Every cook is different, so it’s best to place lesser-used small appliances behind those that are more frequently used!

Seasonal Items: Since seasonal items are used only once a year, it’s best to store them in storage for the rest of the year. Seasonal items such as Christmas cookie cutters and Thanksgiving serving dishes can be kept in clear, labeled storage containers. If you have many seasonal items for different holidays, you might want to store them in separate containers. If you have space in your kitchen, you can also have a section off to the side or higher up for all your holiday dishes!

Additional Tips

Use drawer organizers: Small bins in your drawers are essential for storing small items or keeping your categories clear. Small items like potato peelers or can openers won’t shift around in the drawer, making it easier to find and store them. 

Label things: Labeling will save you so much time in the long run. It will make it easier to find exactly what you need and eliminate the guesswork of putting items back. Label makers and similar products are useful for this, but you can also use a Sharpie and labels or some form of tape!

Re-Home Non-Kitchen Items: For any items that were in your kitchen drawers and cabinets at the start of the process but don’t actually belong there, take the time now to re-home those items. 

Don’t Have a “Junk Drawer”: If there’s one thing you should avoid having in your kitchen, it is a junk drawer. We like to call a well-organized “junk drawer” a utility drawer. It’s convenient to be able to quickly grab a pen, tape, scissors, or batteries from this space — but keeping things categorized with drawer organizers will be key!

Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets With Clutterless Home Solutions

Organizing and cleaning your kitchen is easier than it sounds. When you break it down into digestible steps, you can knock this out in a day or over a weekend. Just remember to get rid of the items you don’t want or need anymore. Less clutter will help your kitchen cabinets stay organized for a long time. 

When you don’t have time to take on organizing projects, leave it to the experts. At Clutterless Home Solutions, we specialize in organizing your home. Whether it’s the kitchen cabinets, a pantry, or a garage, we can help you create efficient systems that are easy to maintain. Give us a call at (720) 770-2646 or visit our website to book an appointment and get started on your journey to an easier-to-organize, enjoyable home. 

How To Organize Your Garage and Other Garage Organizing Tips

garage organizing

For most people, a garage can be a best storage space where they find everything from tools to seasonal decorations. While storing lesser-used items in the garage can be a good idea, you’ll want to organize items so your garage stays clean and manageable — plus, it’s good to have the space for your car during those cold Colorado winters! 

Empty Your Garage and Start Categorizing 

The first step to organizing your garage is to remove everything from the space. Start by taking everything off the shelves, out of boxes, from within the cabinets, and off the walls. Then, pile it all into different groups on the garage floor and on the driveway. 

As you are pulling things off the shelves and out of boxes, put them in categories:

  • Sports Equipment
  • Tools
  • Holiday Decorations
  • Toys
  • Outdoor Gear

After you have made broad groups of everything, start sorting through those groups and dividing them into even smaller groups. The more specific and detailed you can get for each group, the better your garage will look and function.  The best categories are the ones that make sense to you.

Clean Up Your Garage

After pulling everything out onto the driveway, throw away obvious trash. Quickly toss out old boxes, empty bottles, or any other items you see that can be thrown away. You’ll be surprised how much clutter you can eliminate when you throw away trash or those empty amazon boxes that have been piling up!

Step away from all the stuff; it’s time to focus on the space.

  • Dust: Dust off high-to-reach places like shelves and cabinets. Dust away any cobwebs in the corners.
  • Wipe Down Surfaces: Wipe down all flat surfaces like shelves, outside cabinets, desks, and work surfaces.
  • Disinfect: Spray disinfectant on tools, workout equipment, sports equipment, outdoor gear, and toys.

Decide What to Keep, Donate, or Trash

There are only three options for all of these items: keep, donate, or trash.

  • Keep: Items that serve a purpose and that you will use in the future.
  • Donate: Items that are in good condition so someone else can use them. 
  • Trash: Items that don’t serve your family any further purpose and wouldn’t serve anyone else either.

You can sometimes also sell items, depending on the item and condition.

How to Organize Tools in the Garage

The garage is a popular place to store tools. Whether it’s landscaping, woodworking, or painting tools, the garage is a great place to keep these items for your next project. If your garage doesn’t already have shelves or cabinets, consider investing in some to keep it organized. Clear bins or baskets can be great for keeping these items organized.

  • Most Commonly Used Items: Store in the most accessible spaces.
  • Frequently Used Items: Store in an easy-to-reach spot but out of the way from your more commonly used items.
  • Seasonal Items: Store on the highest shelf or the least accessible spot in your garage. If your garage has access to an attic space, maybe place seasonal items up there. 

Keep Your Garage Organized With Labels and Containers

Storage bins are useful for several reasons. If you run out of counter or cabinet space, storage containers are a great low-cost way to increase your storage. Store items in weather-tight containers for quick and easy access. Placing them on shelving is the best way to get to all the containers easily.  You can also take advantage of wall space with utility boards for additional storage. Hang up commonly used items like tools or cleaning equipment.

In addition to storing items in containers, you’ll want to label everything. Even if you use clear containers, sticking labels on containers will make it much easier to find items in the future. You can get a label maker, tape on note cards, or use painter’s tape to label containers. How you do it doesn’t matter; what matters is that you do it. 

Permanent Donation Bin 

Get one large container, or maybe a clean trash bin, to place donation items in. Instead of leaving unwanted items to clutter your garage, you can easily place them in the donation bin. Once the bin fills up, you can take it to a donation center. This can be a tip for any room in your home!

Organize Your Garage With Clutterless Home Solutions

Organizing a messy garage can seem daunting, but with these garage organizing tips, you’ll be able to transform your space into a functional and tidy area. By categorizing, cleaning, and properly storing your items, you ensure that your garage remains clutter-free and efficient.

Feeling inspired to tackle your cluttered garage? Start today with our step-by-step guide and experience the benefits of a well-organized space. If you need more personalized assistance, contact Clutterless Home Solutions for expert help. Let us help you create a garage that’s not just for storage but a space where everything has its place. Happy organizing!

Bedroom Organization Ideas to Create a Neat Space

Isn’t it wonderful to enter your bedroom and relax after a long and hectic day? You instantly feel calm and completely at ease there. Now, think about everything being in its place—no clothes strewn about, no piles of clutter on your nightstand or dresser. That’s pure serenity.

The challenge is when you have to constantly look for misplaced belongings. Or, you are struggling to find peace amidst the chaos. Then, it’s time to consider some effective bedroom organization ideas.

You can be a novice in organizing, or your bedroom has become a mess over the past few months. Whatever the reason, you are in the right place. Today, we will present you with some useful bedroom organization tips to help you transform your very own sanctuary.

Bedroom Organization Ideas For Small And Big Spaces

A clean and well-organized bedroom isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s also essential for your mental well-being. Having a clean and tidy space can not only reduce stress levels but also help you sleep better. 

Doesn’t matter if you have a small space or a grand master bedroom; how you maintain your storage is important. Here are some effective ideas for organizing your most personal space:

1. Use Under-Bed Space

Under-bed space in the bedroom is often overlooked, but you must maximize its potential. Sliding or rolling storage bins can easily fit underneath your bed frame. Think about investing in them because these bins are a fantastic way to store seasonal clothing items, backpacks, purses, and even extra blankets.

There’s another beauty of utilizing the storage under the bed. It allows you to rotate your belongings as per the season and, at the same time, keep them neatly tucked away but within easy reach.

Label each container to make things even more organized. This way, you’ll know exactly what’s inside without searching around aimlessly.

If you find yourself short on linen closet space, you can even store extra sheets for your bed here!

2. Get A Closet Organizer

Closet organization is a top priority for having a well-maintained bedroom. Now, are you blessed with a spacious walk-in closet or dealing with limited space behind sliding doors? Nonetheless, a closet organizer is your secret weapon for an organized bedroom. There are countless options available, so finding the perfect one to suit your needs and style is easier than ever.

Closet organizers come in different sizes and designs, like rod hangers, drawers, shoe storage compartments, hooks, shelves – you name it! With proper use of them, you can turn any messy wardrobe into a well-structured storage area. One benefit is that it makes getting dressed in the morning effortless. 

Also, the right choice of closet organizer can often solve many minor storage issues without even noticing!

3. Section Off Drawers And Shelves

When it comes to organizing your dresser or shelves, sectioning them off can work wonders if you want to maximize the space and maintain specific order. 

Let’s say you’re getting tired of digging through a jumbled mess of socks every morning. You can simply use drawer dividers to separate them into neat sections based on color or style. The same concept applies to

  • Undergarments
  • Makeup brushes
  • Skincare items
  • Cloth face masks

Don’t forget about keeping your folded clothes tidy on the shelves! Shelf dividers are useful and can prevent stacks of shirts, scarves, and sweaters from toppling over each time you grab one item.

4. Spring For Matching Hangers

Investing in a set of matching hangers may seem like a small detail, but trust us, it can make a big difference.

When your clothes are hanging on uniform hangers, they create an aesthetically pleasing look. What’s more important is that it also shows an overall sense of tidiness. Plus, having all your clothing displayed uniformly makes it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Whether you have a small walk-in closet or just limited space for hanging clothes, this is a great tip for any bedroom size.

5. Use The Top Of Your Closet

Don’t forget about the top of your closet! This often neglected area can be a gold mine for storing items that you don’t use daily or seasonally.

Investing in some sturdy bins or baskets will come in handy. With them, utilize this overhead space by keeping things like extra bedding, off-season clothing, shoeboxes filled with memories, or even suitcases. 

Make sure to label each bin so you know exactly what’s inside without having to pull everything down.

6. Add Light To Your Closet

Adding closet lights means both beauty and functionality. You can install LED strip lights along the top edges of shelves. Another idea is to place portable spotlights with hooks on the clothing rods.

A well-lit closet helps you see all the items clearly and easily determine colors. Lights make outfit selection much simpler, especially during those early mornings! Remember that excellent lighting encourages organization by allowing you to easily identify what’s in front of you.

7. Minimize Items On Surfaces

When it comes to organizing your bedroom, less is more! What can make your space instantly feel calmer and more peaceful is when you clear unnecessary clutter from all surfaces.

Try to keep only essential items on tabletop surfaces like dressers and nightstands. Keep a lamp for reading, an alarm clock if needed, and maybe a small decorative item or two that brings you joy. Avoid piling up books, papers, electronics, or random knick-knacks; they tend to accumulate over time.

Take a few minutes each day to put away any misplaced items and maintain the serene vibe.

8. Have A Place For Trash

Keeping a small and attractive garbage pail in your bedroom is essential for maintaining cleanliness and tidiness. It provides a designated spot to dispose of tissues, scraps of paper, or any other small pieces of trash that gather in the room.

What do you think about a small, bathroom-size bin? It’s an excellent option, but you don’t want anything too large for anyone to notice or take up excessive space. Choose one that’s compact enough to fit under a nightstand or privately beside a dresser.

9. Declutter With Bins And Baskets

For bins and baskets, you can find a variety of options, from stylish hand-woven baskets to sleek storage bins. And, yes, they are game-changers when it comes to decluttering your bedroom!

You can use bins inside your closet to corral items like shoes or accessories. Label them for easy identification and access anytime you need them. Baskets work great on the bedroom floor or inside an armoire. They can easily hold items like slippers, extra blankets, or even decorative pillows.

If these handy organizers are in the places, you’ll have a clutter-free haven that feels both functional and visually pleasing.

10. Manage Out Of Season Clothes

Instead of relegating your out-of-season clothes to a forgotten bin, try finding space for them in your closet. Take advantage of the very high shelves and those dark, awkward corners that often go unused.

Eye-level shelves are great for items you’ll need during the current season. At the same time, you can store off-season pieces on higher or harder-to-reach shelves. For example, keep fuzzy sweaters within easy reach during winter and stash-up shorts on the high shelf. When summer arrives, swap them out accordingly.

This way, you can make efficient use of every nook and cranny in your closet without sacrificing valuable storage space elsewhere.

11. Put Artwork On Walls

When there is a scarcity of space in your bedroom, place any artwork on the walls so you don’t clutter up surfaces like nightstands or dressing tables. Vertically hanging art pieces create a focal point that draws the eye upward and adds visual interest to your room.

For example, floating shelves or wall-mounted frames are excellent for your favorite paintings or prints. Apart from keeping surfaces clear, it also gives the illusion of more open space in smaller bedrooms.

12. Show Off Your Storage

Traditionally, we see people hide bedroom storage in dressers and closets, tucking them away out of sight. But who says it should always be that way? Why not make a statement with your storage solutions?

Just think about a stylish trinket tray. It could be an attractive display piece and an ideal spot to store small items like keys, loose buttons, or spare change. With such customization, you will be adding both aesthetics and functionality to your bedroom decor.

13. Invest In A Permanent System

Spending money on a permanent storage system can make all the difference if you’re serious about keeping your bedroom clean and free of mess. You could get custom-made shelves, built-in drawers or cabinets, or even floating shelves on your walls.

A fixed storage system not only makes your bedroom more useful but also makes it look better. It provides a lot of room for books, personal items, and decorative items like picture frames and plants. And, yes, everything will be within easy reach!

How To Keep Your Room Clean

An organized bedroom doesn’t automatically guarantee a clean space. Along with making sure everything has its own spot, you need to stay on top of regular cleaning tasks.

Dust gathers very quickly, so vacuum the floors and dust surfaces. Do it at least once a week. Also, have a trash can nearby to avoid unnecessary clutter buildup. Hide it inside your closet or a lidded basket. This way, it’ll be easy to dispose of tissues, product boxes, clothing tags—anything that usually accumulates but has no place to be.


A tidy and organized bedroom is all about finding clever ways to utilize available areas. That, too, without overwhelming them with unnecessary items! All our ideas point toward maximizing the space you have in your bedroom. The size matters little when you know the right plan to organize, decorate, and maintain this very own place of yours. 

At Clutterless Home Solutions, our expert team knows the best tricks to organize any place in your beloved home. We focus on your goals and satisfaction and create a plan to declutter your space and give your belongings designated places. We have clients all over Colorado, and we are willing to travel farther for larger projects.

We are trusted organizers who look forward to you having a stress-free environment around your home. Call us or book us online for your next bedroom organization project!

19 Bedroom Closet Organization Ideas To Maximize Your Space

Having an organized and well-maintained bedroom closet is essential for maximizing your space and creating a stylish environment. With the right bedroom closet organization ideas, you can improve your morning routine. Moreover, you can easily find what you need and transform your cluttered closet into a functional storage solution. 

That’s why, in this article, we will discuss some unique organization strategies for your bedroom closet. From decluttering to utilizing smart storage solutions, we’ll show you 19 effective strategies that anyone can implement. Get ready to enjoy a clean and efficient closet that will revolutionize the way you dress. Stop having trouble with your closet!

Small Bedroom Closet Organization Ideas And Tips

Is your small bedroom closet in need of organization? Look no further! These simple and effective tips will help you maximize your space. From clever storage solutions to efficient closet systems, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into these practical ideas for a clutter-free and organized bedroom closet.

Install A Closet System

A closet system can make your storage organization better in no time. Say goodbye to single rods and shelves, and hello to a ton of usable space! Choose wardrobe parts that you can change like rods to hang clothes, drawers, and extra pieces. 

Another option is to install a top track along the length of your closet with vertical rails that support various components. These components provide even more customization possibilities. With an easy installation process, you’ll have an organized and functional closet very quickly.

Use Small Organizers

Use small organizers for tiny shelves that hold things like wallets. Each thing gets its own spot, which makes it easier to find stuff and keeps your little closet neat.

Combine Storage Units

Maximize storage in your bedroom closet by combining units for different needs. Utilize drawers for folded items, hangers for dresses and suits, and boxes to organize odds and ends. You can choose a closet set that lets you make your own drawers. This way, you can also get to your hangers and boxes.

Use Matching Organizer Sets

Add elegance to your small closet by using matching sets of organizers. Custom woodwork perfectly complements trays and boxes for smaller items. Double the storage capacity with stacked gold rods.

Dedicate a Wall to Built-Ins

To optimize space in a narrow walk-in closet, dedicate one wall to built-ins for accessories and clothing. Leave the other wall bare for clear pathways, preventing it from feeling cramped. Consider adding a skylight to allow natural light into this custom-designed, tall, and narrow closet.

Find Attractive Storage

Make your little bedroom closet better with nice, cheap places to put things. Keep everything looking good together by picking things that go with your own taste, such as cloth boxes or a cool closet set. Put money into keeping things tidy that look good in your room and aren’t too expensive.

Incorporate Hooks For Vertical Storage

Use hooks to store things up high. Put hooks on walls or behind doors to make more space. Hang things like coats, bags, and towels on the walls.

Use Shelf Dividers

Stop clothes from piling up on your closet shelf. Use shelf dividers. They split the shelf into sections. Now you can put different clothes in each section of your small closet.

Opt For Shallow Drawers

To make your closet tidy, choose thin drawers. In such drawers, you can see all your things quickly and don’t have to search. Cover the inside of the drawers with cloth or wallpaper to make them look nice and keep your clothes safe. If you have deep drawers, put in dividers. Dividers stop little things from going missing at the back.

Learn Better Folding Techniques

Improve your closet organization by mastering better folding techniques. For example, you can put one bra into another to save room in your drawer. You can also place small bags into big bags. Besides, folding clothes standing up makes sure your drawers are not messy with stacks of sweaters or shirts. These easy tips let you store more things and keep everything clean and easy to get.

Group Clothing By Category

When you fix up your small bedroom closet, make different spots for different types of clothes. Don’t just put the clothes you use most in front. It can make it hard to find things. Instead, group similar garments together: tops, sweaters, dresses, pants, skirts, and jackets. Sort each type by itself.

Combine Baskets With Bins

Consider combining open baskets and closed bins for efficient closet storage. Use open baskets to hold regularly worn items, while closed bins are ideal for storing less frequently used or cluttered belongings. 

Repurpose Existing Furniture

To create a functional closet, consider repurposing existing furniture. For example, transform an old armoire into shoe storage or use multiple cabinets to assemble a custom center island. Add marble tops and a fresh coat of paint for a stylish upgrade.

Put Hats And Bags On The Door

Adding additional storage in your bedroom closet is a must. Hang a rail or install hooks on the back of your door for hats and bags. It will free up space inside the closet for clothing and shoes. This clever solution not only maximizes storage but also adds charm to your bedroom decor. It creates an intimate and cozy atmosphere.

Add A Little Shoe Shelf

Maximize your small walk-in closet with a dedicated shoe shelf. Showcase your beloved collection on a single wall, adding style and organization to your space. It’s an efficient way to keep shoes accessible while making them the centerpiece of your wardrobe.

Add A Dresser

To achieve a seamless built-in look at an affordable cost, consider adding a dresser to your bedroom closet. This addition not only provides extra storage but also offers additional shelving options. Opt for a dresser that matches the color or finish of your existing closet shelves. It will create a custom and cohesive appearance.

Put Dresser Below Your Hanging Items

Consider placing a dresser under your hanging items as an efficient way to organize your closet. This simple addition maximizes space and provides extra storage options without the need for complex installation processes. Just position the dresser where you want it and start filling up those drawers! Remember to remove them before moving the heavy, solid wood piece into your closet. If needed, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

Get an Additional Clothes Rack

A freestanding clothes rack is a smart solution for small spaces or rooms without closets. Place a tall closet system in the corner of your bedroom to maximize storage efficiency. For existing closets, consider adding a shorter design under the main rod to create additional hanging space. If you’re concerned about clutter, use an attractive folding room divider to hide the clothing rack from view. It will help to maintain visual harmony within your space.

Organize With Reusable Labels

DIY tags are the secret to an organized closet. Use reusable labels to easily identify items and maintain order without spending a dime. Label boxes, bins, and drawers with customized descriptions that suit your unique needs. Whether it’s grouping t-shirts or organizing socks without mates, these labels keep everything in its place—no judgment! With clear labeling at your fingertips, finding what you need becomes a breeze.


Organizing your bedroom closet is essential to maximizing space and maintaining a clutter-free environment. By implementing the 19 ideas discussed above, you can transform your small closet into a well-organized room. From utilizing customizable wardrobe frames to adding shelf dividers and incorporating open baskets, there are countless ways to optimize storage efficiency. 

At Clutterless Home Solutions, we specialize in providing top-notch professional organizing services that cater to all your organizing needs. Trust us for an amazing customer experience as we help you create the organized closet of your dreams.

20 Bathroom Countertop Organization Ideas and Tips

A well-organized bathroom can bring a sense of tranquility and efficiency to your daily routine. When it comes to keeping your bathroom tidy, focusing on countertop organization is key. Smart strategies can make cluttered spaces functional and attractive by storing everyday essentials and adding style. 

In this article, we will explore 20 creative bathroom countertop organization ideas and tips. They will help you optimize space while creating an organized oasis in your home. Keep reading to learn more.

Bathroom Countertop Organization Ideas: Pro Tips

Looking to declutter and style your bathroom countertop? These pro tips will guide you. From organizing essentials with stylish vessels and trays to creating a functional space, these ideas will help simplify your routine. For a neater, more effective start to your day, take inspiration from the well-organized countertops in 20 inspiring bathrooms.

Assess Your Counter Space

To effectively organize your bathroom countertop, start by assessing its size and limitations. If you have a small vanity, consider storage options that fit within the available space. Understanding the dimensions of your countertop will help you devise an efficient organization plan suited to your needs. Keep in mind that there are still plenty of storage ideas to choose from, even with limited space.

Maximize Storage Space With A Hanging Basket

Looking for stylish and functional storage solutions? Try using hanging baskets to maximize space. These baskets can hold skin care products, washcloths, and other bathroom essentials, saving countertop space. Hang them up to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

Place Towels In Basket

Create a luxurious feel in your bathroom by placing washcloths in a charming woven basket. This simple act not only adds an elegant touch but also helps to keep things organized and tidy. Emulate the sophistication of a hotel bathroom right at home.

Break Out The Flowers

Add a touch of freshness to your well-organized bathroom countertop with beautiful flowers. While not about storage, fresh blooms bring visual relief and add a pop of color amidst containers and boxes. Place a small bouquet on the countertop for an instant uplift in your space’s ambiance. Let nature’s beauty complement your organized spot.

Hang Products From A Tension Rod Or Towel Bar With Clip-On Shower Curtain Rings

Free up countertop space by hanging your shower products using clip-on shower curtain rings. Attach personal care items to photo or curtain hooks for easy access in the shower. This organization hack eliminates the need for cleaning in-shower shelves and keeps everything easily accessible and tidy.

Take Advantage Of Under-Sink Space

Make the most of limited bathroom space by opting for a pedestal sink with added storage. To maximize usability, use an under-sink shelf for towels. Alternatively, consider mounting a standalone sink on a shelf or investing in a bathroom vanity featuring built-in storage cabinets. These options offer efficient organization while maintaining your preferred aesthetic.

Add A Curved Shelving Unit To A Pedestal Sink

Enhance storage options in a pedestal sink bathroom with a curved shelving unit. It fits beautifully beneath the sink and organizes daily necessities for easy access. Your pretty pedestal sink turns into an efficient storage solution without sacrificing style or functionality.

Use Wall Space To Hang Towels

Maximize space in a small bathroom by utilizing wall space to hang towels. Instead of using floor-consuming shelves, opt for towel hooks or racks mounted on the walls. This smart organization solution keeps your towels easily accessible. It also saves countertop and floor space, making small spaces more organized.

Set Out A Small Bowl

Keep your jewelry safe and organized by setting out a small, stylish bowl. This ceramic piece adds a touch of elegance to your countertop while providing a designated spot for your baubles. Look for unique options at local craft fairs or vintage shops to find the perfect bowl. It must suit both functionality and aesthetics in your bathroom space.

Install A Medicine Cabinet

Looking for additional storage in your bathroom? Consider installing a medicine cabinet. It’s an affordable and straightforward solution that provides extra space to keep toiletries organized and within reach. It does not matter if you choose a medicine cabinet that is built into or mounted on the wall. It will look great in your bathroom and be useful for storage.

Install A Floating Shelf For Small Extras

If you’re hesitant to drill holes for extra storage, try a damage-free floating shelf. This adhesive strip-mounted option provides additional space without the need for permanent installation. With a weight capacity of up to 15 pounds, it’s perfect for holding cosmetics, personal care products, or decorative items. At the same time, it keeps them out of the way and organized.

Use Containers To Hide Toiletries Housed On Open Shelving

Achieve a streamlined look for your bathroom by utilizing containers to house toiletries on open shelving. Choose stylish bins and baskets that will not only keep things in order but also make the room look better overall. You can also consider woven baskets. It can create a visually pleasing and clutter-free environment in your bathroom.

Coordinate The Containers

Use matching containers for hand soap and lotion to make your bathroom counter look neat and put together. Replacing different bottles with uniform ones (with labeled dispensers) enhances the overall aesthetic. This choice makes your vanity appear more put together. With this easy solution, you can get rid of clutter and avoid spending extra money on pretty soap bottles.

Keep Storage Box

For items you prefer to keep out of sight but easily accessible, use a stylish storage box. These larger boxes are perfect for medications and other essentials that don’t need to be on display. Opt for a trendy cane storage box to add a touch of elegance to your bathroom countertop organization.

Turn A Shelf Into A Vanity

Don’t have under-sink storage? Transform a shelf into a vanity instead. Utilize architectural details to your advantage by repurposing existing shelves as functional and stylish storage spaces for beauty products. Invest in makeup organizers to keep your items organized and easily accessible. This clever organization tip makes the most of limited space while keeping everything tidy and within reach.

Set Out Guest Towels

When hosting guests, display small napkins in a clear tray for easy hand wiping. This gesture adds a welcoming and clean touch to your bathroom countertop. Besides, you won’t have to worry about mixing the napkins with personal cloth towels. It’s a thoughtful gesture that showcases your attention to detail and makes visitors feel comfortable during their stay.

Pick Your Palette

To elevate the aesthetic of your bathroom storage, select a color palette. Create an upscale look by using two complementary colors, like dark green and gold. Use one hue for organizing items and the other for decorative accents. This simple yet effective technique adds understated elegance to your vanity area while maintaining utility.

Try a Tiny Tray

When you have only a few items to store on your bathroom countertop, try using tiny trays. These compact trays not only keep your essentials organized but also add style and purpose to their placement. Opt for decorative options that complement your bathroom decor while efficiently holding small items in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Stack Some Bins

Boost your bathroom countertop organization by stacking decorative boxes. Mimic the look of open shelves with this stylish solution. With their unique shapes and materials, these artistic containers not only hold things but also make your space look better. 

Purchase An End Table

If you’re lacking counter space in your bathroom, consider purchasing an end table. This clever solution provides a surface to hold essential items near the sink. Keep it minimal and tidy by selecting only a few key pieces for display on this small tabletop area. 

Add the Finishing Touches

You may have tried one of these organizing ideas, but sometimes you still need more. You may want more storage or want to give your space a more personalized touche of your own. Try the next set of ideas.

  • Choose Matching Accessories: To unify the space, consider buying coordinating bathroom countertop accessories. Matching hand soap, toothbrush, and tissue boxes look good on the counter, reduce visual clutter, and balance your organization.  
  • Decant Products: Do not just pour liquids into jars. Put your skincare liquids and perfumes in pretty (or matching) bottles on a tray. Add your own labels and expiration date to the bottle. 
  • Look to Nearby Wall Space: Your bathroom counter can only carry so much, no matter how simple or space-efficient you are. Floating shelves can keep toiletries close to the countertop. Choose the sink mirror or nearest wall spot for the shelves. 
  • Add Decor: Finally, bathroom counters should be stylish. Include some decorations in your organized products. A small vase of flowers, a candle, and a leaning piece of framed art are enough to create harmony.


Implementing effective small bathroom counter organization ideas can transform your space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing oasis. There are many ways to declutter and streamline your bathroom counter, from trays and baskets to shelves. Don’t forget the power of decorative accents to tie everything together.

While DIY organizing efforts can be successful, hiring a professional organizer like Clutterless Home Solutions adds an extra level of expertise. Our knowledge of organization ensures that you’ll get top-notch results tailored specifically to your needs.

Transform your bathroom countertop today with these tips and experience the difference it makes in maintaining an organized sanctuary.

Want to Become a Professional Organizer? 3 Things You MUST Know Before Getting Started

It’s hard to explain, but there’s something so satisfying about walking into a well-organized pantry with shelves of labeled baskets, color-coordinated canned goods, and matching jars.

And while taking a trip to the Container Store or scrolling through the most popular organizational products on Amazon can help you turn a cluttered home into an Insta-worthy space, the easiest way to achieve your desired look is to hire a professional organizer.

Sure, it’s a luxury to hire a pro to take care of your clutter or organizational needs, but a Good Housekeeping survey recently found that over half of people would hire a professional organizer if they had the opportunity.

But for clarification, that one friend who follows every organizing profile on social media and likes to label their house is not a professional.

However, according to the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals, there are over 3,500 members who are professional organizers.

Many of these pros take the step to see if this is a path that fits them or not by paying for the $300 NAPO educational membership.

This is a great way to go because it includes three courses: basic organizing theory, how to get hands-on with organizing, and a review that goes over NAPO’s code of ethics. Plus, you have access to other tools such as industry conferences and networking events.

Classes are just the beginning, though. If you really want to be a professional organizer, there are some things you should know.

To help you decide if a career in professional organizing is the path for you, we’ve created the following guide with everything you need to know.

Starting Out

As you’re thinking about becoming a professional home organizer, there are some skills you need or should improve.

Choose the Type of Professional Organizer You Want to Be

Organizing doesn’t fit neatly into just one category. There are different areas of focus, including corporate organizing and residential organizing.

Then, you have other special situations, such as those involving hoarders, that you’ll have to decide if you’re ready to handle.

It doesn’t matter what type of professional organizer you choose to be; just ensure that you are great at problem-solving and always finding new solutions to problems.

Create a Brand Image and Stick with It

Perhaps you specialize in acrylic bins in every room or floor-to-ceiling baskets in every closet. Part of your success relies on knowing what look you want to achieve and keeping your patterns consistent from client to client.

This is just a matter of learning how to put your “signature” on each of your jobs.

Utilize Social Media

Currently, there are over 2 million Instagram posts tagged with #organization, and this number increases every second.

Hence, a large part of your marketing strategy should include social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The truth is that an online presence allows you to connect more easily with your target audience and provides the perfect place for you to showcase past projects.

Get in Touch with the Emotional Aspects of the Process

While it’s easier for you to view someone else’s belongings as trash, it’s vital that you always remember your clients’ homes are filled with sentimental value.

And even those clients who you think you know the best can surprise you, as you’ll learn even more when going through their items.

It’s best to monitor body language and learn their routines and habits to spot ways in which you can make a real difference. At times, this means reading between the lines to learn your client’s goal.

How to Become a Professional Organizer

If you are set on having a career as an organizer, these are the steps you should follow:

1. Complete Education and Training

Some professional organizers have little to any training or certifications. Some of them are simply people with a naturally-born talent to organize and want to help others.

At the very minimum, a pro organizer should have a high school diploma. Additionally, there are many other paths that can lead to earning a professional certification needed to legitimize your skills.

2. Obtain Your CPO Certification (Or get real life experience by joining a professional organizing team!)

Getting your CPO certification is by no means necessary, but for some people it can help.

The best advice we have to becoming an organizer (and getting better over time) is to get real-world experience by joining a professional organizing team, or by taking the leap and starting your own company (this option is not suggested for beginners).

One step you can take towards becoming a professional organizer is to get your CPO certification through The National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals.

Doing so makes for an excellent credential on your resume and gives your organizing skills some credence, thus setting you apart from the competition.

To obtain a CPO certification, you will need a high school diploma or GED and proof that you’ve completed at least 1,500 hours of paid work during the past five years serving as a professional organizer.

You will also have to adhere to a strict code of ethics and pass a written, 125-question exam. Once you pass the test, there will be an annual membership fee of around $300.

3. Build a Customer Base

After you’ve finished all training and certifications, you should continue to offer your skills to clients. Perhaps there’s a friend or family member who could use some decluttering and organization in their home.

It’s a great idea to begin getting your name out there by offering free consultations, as this is a great way to connect with clients and show them what you can do.

Skills Needed to be a Professional Organizer

Are you wondering what skills you need to be a professional organizer? The following list contains the basic skills you should possess to enter the industry:

  • Organizational Skills: Obviously, you should be able to locate organizational issues, create a plan of action, and then use the plan to solve the problem. The best professional organizers reflect these skills in their professional and personal lives, and their homes usually reflect this.
  • Empathy: This is an important trait because it helps you better understand people. Organizers will need to empathize with clients and understand why it’s so hard for them to part with certain items. Empathy will help you resolve your client’s resistance and reach your organizational goals.
  • Problem-Solving: Home organizers spend a great deal of time solving problems, so it’s vital that you possess these skills.
  • Creativity: Some of these problems will require you to get creative, so you should be able to display good levels of creativity in your work.
  • Communication Skills: The ability to speak clearly and effectively with clients is a must. This will help you convey your visions but will also help you ask better questions to prevent possible misunderstandings.
  • Attention to Detail: Finally, you should have an excellent eye for detail, as this allows you to find things that other people may have missed. This is the one skill that separates everyday home organizers from professional organizers.

Career Advancements and Salary

As people’s lives become busier, the need for professional organizers has grown exponentially. Most organizers enter the industry as independent consultants or contractors, which means they offer limited access to packages and other benefits.

However, this does offer them the greatest room for industry growth. Most of the nation’s top home organizers have created successful brands thanks to their organizational skills.

The rate of pay for a professional organizer will depend on factors such as experience and location. Typically, the starting salary for a professional organizer is around $56,000 per year.

Benefits of Being a Professional Organizer

There are many benefits that come with dedicating your life to being a home organizer. Some of these benefits include:

  • You get to help others organize their home and make them more efficient.
  • You have the unique opportunity to help clients address their mental health concerns by organizing their spaces and eliminating clutter.
  • You get to plan and organize rooms, homes, and businesses in ways to foster certain results, such as relaxation, creativity, or productivity.
  • You can help clients understand the importance of organization in their lives.

Hence, most people choose to become professional organizers because they deeply desire to help others and put their organizational skills to good use.

Are you still considering being a professional organizer? If so, congratulations – it’s a very rewarding career that allows you to help others and run your own business!

A Professional Organizer’s Secret Weapon: 13 Purse Storage Ideas You Need in Your Life

Shall we blame Reese Witherspoon?

After all, it was after the episode that she guest starred on Netflix’s Get Organized with The Home Edit that many of us began to realize shoving all our handbags to the back of the closet and hoping for the best may not be the ideal purse storage solution.

And while we’re all still low-key obsessed with those clear acrylic hangers they used to hang her handbags with her clothes, not everyone can afford this much space or that price to hang one bag.

So, we decided it was time to let you all in on some purse storage secrets that we use with our clients.

Below you’ll find 13 amazing handbag storage solutions and five bonus tips, so be sure to read until the end!

13 Purse Storage Ideas You Don’t Want to Miss

1. Chrome Metal Handbag Hangers

These small metal hangers are the perfect place to hang your frequently used bags next to your dresses or jackets.

The best part is that, unlike the ones used in Reese’s closet, these are compact and don’t take up as much room.

2. Clear Dust Bags

For those of you who are committed to only storing one bag at a time or don’t want to hang your bags out of concern for the straps, invest in some clear dust bags.

Though this tends to be one of the pricier purse storage solutions, it’s great if you are limited on other options and have the money to spend on the dust bags.

3. Wall-Mounted Organizers

If you have space in your closet, we highly suggest using wall hooks that are installed at shoulder height to provide easy access.

When you lack space in your bedroom, you can also consider investing in some nice hooks that you wouldn’t mind showing off in a hallway or entryway.

4. Individual Hooks

For those who are really crafty or don’t have many handbags to hand, individual hooks mounted to the wall also work great.

The ideas are endless when you use these. And if you get really creative, you can find placement and spacing to craft 3D wall art using your purses.

5. Coat Hooks

And speaking of hooks, mounted coat hooks are another great option that works well.

In fact, you may even find that these fit in better if you prefer minimalist decorations.

6. Clear Plastic Totes

Much like you see on The Home Edit, we use a lot of clear storage options because they allow the owner to find what they’re looking for faster.

Using this method will prevent you from buying another little black bag like the other six you already own.

Just don’t forget to measure your storage space before you buy totes!

7. Hanging Closet Organizer

Another of our favorite organizational tools is the hanging organizer. These are so versatile and perfect for closets that have a little extra hanging space to spare.

Hanging organizers are also fantastic because they hold many sizes of handbags and can be used to store other off-season accessories as well.

We always prefer organizing products that are multi-purpose because it allows our clients to switch things up or even go with no purse at all.

8. Purse Cubbies

Do you have an extensive handbag collection that you like easy access to at all times?

If so, consider having a purse cubby shelf built to slide into your closet.

Perhaps the added benefit is that these shelves are so light that you can even convert a whole wall in your closet by stacking several of them on top of each other.

9. Entryway Shoe Rack

These multi-function shelves can comfortably store up to eight pairs of shoes, or you can repurpose them to hold your bags!

And they usually have spots to store an umbrella, yoga mat or any other small things you need to grab quickly as you leave the house.

10. Decorative Boxes

Are you out of drawer space but have many clutches that need a spot to call home?

Decorative boxes may be just what you need! And while we were rallying for opaque storage bins before, it may make more sense for you to put these special occasion handbags in a decorative box, as you’ll not likely buy the same one.

11. Drop-Front Sweater Boxes

Before you say anything, we know these neat little boxes are designed to store sweaters, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them to store handbags and clutches instead.

Do you want to know the best part? The boxes have clear fronts that drop down, allowing you to stack them without worrying about restacking each time you grab a bag.

12. Bookshelf

If you have a spacious closet, one of the best things you can do is install a bookshelf to display your handbags.

You can use this approach in a few different ways. First, you can just place bags by color lengthwise to make more of your space.

However, if you don’t have that many handbags to display, creating a vignette of your bags using each shelf to tell a different story is fun.

13. Shelf Dividers

Our final purse storage idea is for those of you who have a lot of shelf space in your closet.

Though it’s not always the best option because your bags will collect dust, shelf dividers work well to help store excess handbags when used in combination with dust bags.

It’s a great idea to label the dust bags or affix a photo of the handbag on the outside, so you don’t spend hours looking for that one perfect evening bag.

Our 5 Expert Bonus Tips for Storing Purses

Tip 1: Hang Trending Purses and Store the Rest

If we’re being honest with ourselves, a woman only has a few go-to purses at any given time.

We recommend that our clients find a nice spot to hang these bags for easy access while storing the rest using one of our methods outlined above.

It’s also important to note that hanging the same bag for too long will eventually cause the straps to develop a buckle, so be sure to switch them out often.

Tip 2: Always Vertically File Clutches

Since clutches are typically for special occasions and don’t come with straps, one of the best ways to store this is in a drawer vertically.

When you can dedicate a drawer to allow your clutches to stand, it makes it easier for you to grab the one you need. But be sure to go from the left to the right, rather than front to back, or you may forget about the bags stashed in the back.

Tip 3: Help Unstructured Bags Maintain Their Shape using Inserts

This is perhaps one of the best tips on the list and is a must if you want to maintain the integrity of your favorite floppy bag.

So, be sure to use newspaper or specially-made inserts to stuff these bags before stowing them away for the season.

Tip 4: Maintain a Clear Entryway

Your home’s landing areas, such as the entryway, are in constant need of decluttering, and handbags can be one of the major culprits here.

This is especially true for those of you who regularly switch handbags and leave the old one lying on the hallway bench or entry buffet.

What’s the solution? Dedicate one spot in the hallway or entry to your bag.

Tip 5: If You Have the Room, Allows Your Bags to Breathe

If you are lucky enough to have plenty of extra space, consider allowing your handbags enough room for each of them to breathe.

One of the most common mistakes we see clients make is leaving their purses on a crammed shelf where they get crushed. And we even see this with expensive designer purses!

It’s vital that you treat your purses well because leather is a very moldable material that tends to develop odd folds and kinks when not cared for properly.

Are you limited on space and out of ideas on how to store all of your purses? Give us a call at Clutterless Home Solutions! We would love to discuss your needs and help you find better organizational solutions for your precious handbags.

Regardless if you live in Grand Junction, Telluride, Aurora, Westminster, or Castle Pines, we service all of the Denver metropolitan areas and will bring order back to your home!

How Much Do Professional Organizers Cost? (2022 Hourly Rates, Costs & Fees)

At some point or another, we all reach a place where clutter seems to suddenly take over and becomes nearly impossible to remedy.

And let’s face it; life is hectic, things accumulate, and then little things left undone eventually grow into large piles that make it so overwhelming that you may not even know where to begin.

This is where a professional organizer comes into play!

Professional organizers are experts at assisting with decluttering and organizing your home or business.

As part of the process, they’ll also show you how to stay organized and efficient in a way that saves time and makes your life easier.

It’s estimated that the average professional organizer cost is between $30 and $200+ per hour, depending on how much experience the organizers have, client reviews, and number of years in business.

On the high end, professional organizer costs can reach $2,000+ per day depending on the number of organizers on-site.

This is usually a multiple room package with two or more rooms and up to 15 hours of service.

As you can see, when trying to determine how much it costs to hire a professional organizer, the rates will vary depending on key factors.

We’ve created the following guide to address the question: How much does a professional organizer cost? So, let’s get started.

What is a Professional Organizer?

Professional organizers work to assist people with becoming more organized in their home or work life.

Hence, they help with general decluttering and organization, list-making, and identifying areas of your home that require organization to run smoother.

Yet, this person can also show you how to maintain an organized home.

We recommend that you ask lots of questions and choose a professional organizer based on your needs.

Some smaller firms offer a select few services, while others offer a wide range of solutions and availability.

When it comes to the cost of a professional organizer, most of these professionals charge by the hour.

However, some, like us here at Clutterless, offer package rates for a set amount of hours and specific services.

How Much Does a Professional Organizer Cost Per Hour?

As we mentioned, the cost of organizer services will vary based on several crucial factors. However, the average hourly rate is between $30 and $200+.

Just remember that while it’s possible to find professional organizers who will commit to only one or two hours, most reputable firms have an hourly minimum of three service hours.

Other organizing services even offer additional support via email or telephone coaching. This service can be used to simply check on a client after the service, to check the progress of a project, or even to answer questions about last-minute ideas.

However, this can add to the cost of the service, so be sure to ask ahead of time.

Also, it’s important to note that most professional organizers do not include shelving, filing cabinets, or storage tools in their hourly rates.

So, when an organizer provides these services, it will more than likely be added to the cost of the services. The price should be included in your estimate when you get it.

Professional Organizer Pricing Packages

Organizing is a complicated task, so pricing structures can often get confusing. As we mentioned, many organizers offer packages to simplify this process.

These packages usually start around $750 and include 5 hours of onsite organizing and up to 3 hours of decluttering and organizing services such as shopping, donation & consignment assistance.

The average person spends $2,000+ for services, which usually includes a couple of organizers over a set amount of hours and rooms.

When hiring these services, it’s vital that you understand that most decluttering and organizing projects cannot be done in less than three hours, sometimes even for one single room.

Either way, packages are a great way to get the best rates with your professional organizer, so be sure to inquire if they offer any.

The Cost of a Professional Organizer by Type of Service

The amount of organizing required by the professional is usually reflected in your final cost.

Ultimately, it will all come down to the type of organizing services, the amount of labor, and how time-consuming the process is.

As we previously mentioned, most professional organizer services charge between $30 and $200+ an hour, but this can vary depending on your location, the scope of work, and more.

Professional Organizer Cost by Project

Professional home organizers cover a wide array of projects. So, whether you’re looking for one room or your whole house, an experienced home organizer will have services to fit your needs.

And the truth is, we can provide you with estimated costs per project, but this will always vary based on how much is in the area.

Hence, you’ll need to take into account how many hours and organizers it will take to complete your job. And the other thing to keep in mind is that some organizers charge other fees.

Other fees to inquire about include service fees, donation fees, consultation fees, shopping fees, and more. Be sure to know exactly what services are being provided and what additional fees you are responsible for covering.

That said, let’s take a look at the average professional organizer cost by service:

1. Closet Organization Cost

Hiring a pro to organize your closet will cost between $750 and $1,000, but some people pay a friend to help them, usually with smaller projects.

But this will heavily depend on the sheer volume of items inside the closet.

Hence, it’s important to note that some people spend thousands of dollars for custom closet organization, but this usually includes custom shelving.

Most commonly, the home organizer will come in and help you sort and organize your clothing, shoes, and other accessories in your closet.

And if you have more than one closet that needs work, you can often hire a person to do multiple closets in one day.

2. Room Organization Cost

Aside from the kitchen, the average price to organize one room in your home will range from $750 to $1,000, depending on your organizer’s minimum requirements and hourly rate.

Professional organizers are perfect for helping with cleaning, decluttering, and organizing in any room, but bedrooms and living rooms are the most common.

The person you choose will consult on how you could better use space in your home, making cleaning and maintaining your house much easier!

Just keep in mind that projects requiring deep cleanings, such as those with garbage, food, or hazardous waste, may be more expensive, as are hoarding situations.

3. Pool Area Organization Cost

Do you have a home pool? Professional organizers can also be hired to rearrange your pool deck and other outdoor areas.

This service generally adds anywhere from $750 – $1,500 to the bill and may not be a service that the company markets publicly.

However, you will find most professional organizers more than happy to assist with arranging your pool area.

Nonetheless, these services typically include storing and deflating pool toys, preparing your pool for winter, and organizing chemicals and other supplies.

4. Kitchen Organization Cost

The kitchen is one of the most expensive rooms in the house to hire a professional organizer to handle.

Typically, most organizers charge between $1,000 to $2,000 for this room, which includes 10-15 hours of work or it could be a team working for a full day.

During this session, the person will organize your pantry, cabinets, and refrigerator and arrange all items to make your kitchen more efficient.

Other organizers may even assist with meal planning and prep, grocery lists and shopping, couponing, budgeting, and other aspects to do with the kitchen, food, or groceries.

Depending on the amount of work your kitchen needs, more time may be required, affecting your overall cost.

So, be sure to ask many questions and give the organizer a great feel for your kitchen during the consultation.

5. Home Office Organization Cost

The home office is another area of your house that may be a bit more costly. In fact, the average rate for home office organization is between $750 and $1,000.

The cost for home organization covers several hours of work which includes decluttering, organizing, and rearranging.

Some organizers even offer services that include bill and financial planning.

You can expect the person to help you go through paperwork, throw away things you don’t need, and find better solutions to keep your stuff in order.

6. Garage Organization Cost

A comprehensive garage organization with storage units and shelves will cost an average of $1,800 to $2,700.

Hiring a pro to help with the garage will ensure that toys and tools are organized, storage is better, and your vehicle fits inside!

This is often the most neglected home area, so hiring a professional for the garage is an excellent idea.

7. Entire House Organization Cost

Hiring a professional organizer to declutter your entire home will vary based on how large your home is and how many possessions are inside of it.

For example, a 1,200 sq ft home may cost $2,000, but a 900 sq ft apartment from a hoarder situation may cost $5,000.

The cost to hire a professional organizer can sometimes reach $10,000+ for an entire home; however, this can be rare.

In general, organizers tend to apply discounts when you’re having the entire house decluttered and organized when compared to doing it by room.

And opting to have your entire home done is the best way to learn tips and tricks for keeping your whole house in tip-top shape.

Finding Cheaper Options

If you are struggling to live in a cluttered home and cannot afford to hire a professional organizer, there are other options, such as Thumbtack.

This platform allows you to hire a wide variety of providers offering many types of home services.

Rates on this site range from $40+ for organizing services. However, you should remember that organizers charging low rates are often less experienced and are not likely to work in teams. While one person can help you with your decluttering and organizing needs at a more affordable cost, the process will take a LOT longer.

So, anytime you can afford to hire a professional organizer, we recommend you do so! This will ensure your project is carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Do you live near Denver, CO, and need home organizer services?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation – we service all areas in counties, including Clear Creek, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Broomfield, and more.

Insider Secrets Revealed | 4 Crucial Things You Need To Know Before Hiring A Professional Organizer

man at therapy session

Overstuffed drawers, stacks of papers, an untidy garage – does this sound like your current living space? If so, it may be time for a clutter intervention!

The truth is that having a cluttered home can be overwhelming, but before you take on this feat by yourself, you may want to rethink and hire a professional organizer service.

Professional organizers provide guidance on how to properly organize your home, encouraging you to think of new ways to use your space.

These experts also have lots of handy and sustainable tricks for keeping it in line once their services are done.

In other words, don’t just expect your organizer to show up and fix your home; they will teach you ways to maintain the system through a hands-on approach.

So, what’s it like hiring a professional organizer service? We’ve created the following comprehensive guide explaining what you can expect when hiring one of these professionals.

What Does A Professional Organizer Do?

A professional organizer focuses their career on helping other people manage their belongings. These folks are experts in optimizing functionality and space in your home.

Organizers work with many clients, such as those with kids, hoarders, and people who just have too much stuff.

Regardless of who they’re working with, professional organizers act as coaches and guides to show the homeowner how to declutter, organize and maintain their possessions.

Since every homeowner has unique goals, preferences, and needs, an organizer’s work varies by client.

Typically, they help you come up with a goal for home organization, develop plans to achieve it, and then teach you recommendations on how to sustain the system.

The most important thing to remember is that professional organizers do not work alone. If you are seeking these services, you should be prepared to help them with the process.

Do You Need a Professional Organizer?

Knowing if you need a professional organizer’s help is half the battle. Here are a few things to consider when asking if you need professional organizer services:

You Don’t Have the Time or Know-How

Among the most common reasons people hire organizers is because they simply don’t have the time it takes to accomplish decluttering on their own. Or they simply don’t know where to start.

And, let’s face it, getting rid of your belongings is never fun. But just looking at everything you’ve accumulated over the years can be overwhelming.

If you have a genuine desire to declutter your home but can’t bring yourself to do it for one reason or another, a professional organizer may be just what you need for that final push.

You are Moving

Moving is stressful on its own, but when coupled with years’ worth of gathering possessions, this can leave you short on time and energy.

The good news is that before a move is the best time to hire an organizer. This person can help you thin out the items you actually need to pack and move by helping you decide what you really need and don’t.

Another great time to consider hiring a professional organizer is when you move into your new home. This person can help unpack boxes and help you start organizing in your new home.

You are Indecisive

If you’re one of the people who can find a reason to keep anything, you will benefit the most from organizer services.

They will challenge you and make you find legitimate reasons for keeping items you probably shouldn’t keep.

How to Hire a Professional Organizer Service

As with any other service, there may be multiple home organizers in your local area, so how do you choose the right one?

Don’t take chances on poor service; follow the tips below to choose the best organizer service near you:

Set a Budget

Professional organizer fees will vary based on geographic location, experience, and the types of services they offer.

Many of them charge an hourly rate, others charge per project, and some even offer package discounts.

The more of these services you need, the more it will cost. So, we suggest setting a budget before you begin calling potential organizer services.

This will help you narrow down the options and avoid overspending on impulse.

Locate a Reputable Service

Rather than opting for the cheapest company, find someone who specializes in the services you need.

Most clients choose professional organizers based on their years of experience, training, certification, or because the person came highly recommended by a close confidant.

Interview a Few Companies

Any reputable professional organizer should be willing to conduct a free phone consultation, but some charge for in-person consultations.

Regardless of which route you take, be sure to ask lots of questions! Include ones about their background, experience, processes, philosophies, fees, and more.

By the time you speak with the company, you should clearly understand what they do and how they do it.

It’s also worth noting that you should ask them about scheduling, availability, and their cancellation policy.

Compare Candidates and Make a Choice

After you’ve spoken with a few reputable companies, it’s time to compare the benefits of each company and if you felt a connection with the person.

Keep in mind that this person will be coming into your home and will require your assistance, so the home organizer you hire must be someone with whom you can build a good report.

Here’s What to Expect When the Professional Organizer Arrives

By the time the person arrives at your home, they should have already conducted a phone or video consultation to know your situation.

You should have answered questions about pain points, routines, frustrations, and, of course, your goals.

On cleaning day, the professional organizer will work with you to identify what items you want to keep and determine where unwanted possessions should go.

In most cases, some organizers will even facilitate the donation, sale, or disposal of the belongings the client wants to part with.

This person will also help you figure out the functions of each space in your home and then successfully set them up in a way that’s easy to maintain.

Just don’t expect them to come declutter and organize your home without you! While this would be ideal for most, it’s easier for organizers to do their job when you’re there to provide assistance.

While you don’t have to play the most significant role, you should act as an advisor at the very least.

Expect the person to ask you lots of questions about your belongings.

And since we organizers know that one of the most significant barriers to entry with most people is embarrassment and fear, you should know that you, your possessions, and your feelings are safe with a professional organizer.

You know you’ve chosen the right provider when you don’t feel judged or disrespected. But this doesn’t mean the person won’t give you the hard truths. It just means they do it in a supporting and loving way!

The biggest tip we can give is that if you don’t want the organizer going through certain areas of your home due to the nature of the items in that area, just tell them. They will understand!

An Expert’s 5 Amazing Tips for Decluttering Success

If you’ve made it to the end of our article and are still not convinced you need the help of a professional organizer service, keep reading! I’ve created 5 amazing tips that you can use to successfully declutter your home!

1. Start Small

Locate one small area of your home, such as a kitchen drawer, desk drawer, or medicine cabinet, and go from there.

Tacking a smaller space, regardless of how small it is, encourages you to want to continue organizing.

2. Admire Your Work as You Make Progress

The act of completing a task brings a great sense of accomplishment and relief, which fades into satisfaction and happiness.

So, as you declutter, take a few moments and admire your work. You’ll find that reaping these benefits is extremely motivational!

3. Skip the “Figure it out Later” Piles

As you are decluttering and organizing your home, do your best to avoid delaying finding a place for everything.

This is the most crucial part of the job. The last thing you want is to be admiring a job well done, only to turn around and see your “I’ll figure it out later piles.”

4. Donate Items the Same Week

If you find items to donate during the process, be sure to deliver them to the donation center during the same week.

The easiest thing to do is just store the stuff in your car and set a reminder. Whatever you do, don’t leave it in the corner of your room or a closet, as this defeats your purpose.

5. Skip Doing Things You See on Social Media

Just because a system works for one person doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

Avoid going out and buying 35 clear storage bins simply because someone had them on Pinterest.

Your home will be more organized and functional if you consider your daily routine and learn how to effectively use your home’s spaces.

If you opt for a system that doesn’t align with your lifestyle, it will only result in wasted time and money.

Never Suffer From Clutter Again | 8 Shocking Things You Need To Know Before Hiring An Organizer

Are you considering hiring a professional organizer? Or at least wondering if you should?

Professional organizers are trained to set up spaces that are efficient, clutter-free, and function smoothly. They even teach you how to maintain the system long after they’re gone.

But as with any other service, there are times you actually need a professional organizer and times you don’t. So, how do you distinguish?

Keep reading! We’ve created a comprehensive guide that contains everything you need to know about when to hire a home organizer and when not to.

When Should You Not Hire a Professional Organizer?

Some people are naturally gifted with organization skills and know how to manage their time effectively, so a home organizer may not be required for them.

1. Focused and self-motivated

If you’re someone who wakes up at 5 am and goes to the gym without the push of a personal trainer, you probably don’t need professional organizer services.

We’re assuming you have the same discipline and motivation for your home that you do for your body, that is.

These people are rare, but some can find ways to keep themselves motivated and focused with no outside help.

2. Not Easily Stressed

If you can effectively break down large projects into small steps and stay on course, then you probably won’t need assistance decluttering and organizing your home.

3. Organized & decisive

Do you know what you like and what you don’t? Do you have a clear understanding of when enough is enough stuff?

You’ll be fine on your own if you’re typically a well-organized person and are crafty in coming up with sustainable and functional storage solutions.

But, if we’re being honest, those traits don’t describe most of us. However, if they do – that’s wonderful; you don’t need to hire a home organizer service.

Yet, if at least some of those traits sound like you, keep reading – you’re not going to want to miss number five on our list!

When Should You Hire a Professional Organizer Service?

Here we go! Let’s take a look at the reasons you should hire a professional organizer service.

1. Difficulty finding the time

One of the most common reasons people hire home organizers is that you are paying this person to hold you accountable for making organizing and decluttering a priority.

It’s easy to ignore the task when it’s on your personal list of things to do, but when you’re paying someone to help, it becomes a priority.

The reason is simple: when you invest money toward a goal, you value it more. So, the money spent is a great motivating factor to help you move forward with the project faster than you would alone.

2. Motivated yet overwhelmed

A professional organizer could be exactly what you need if you want to get the project done but get too overwhelmed just by looking at it.

This person will act as a coach to help you get on track. They will have easy ways to break the project down into smaller steps, allowing you to focus on one task at a time.

Hiring professional organizer services will provide you with the proper direction and guidance to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed.

3. You’re preparing to move

Another great time to hire a professional organizer is either before, during, or after a move.

Generally, the best time to hire them is before the move, as they will help you declutter and organize your belongings, making it easier to pack.

Either way, if you wait until after the move, that’s fine too. The organizer will help you find the best places to put everything, allowing you to start your new chapter in a well-organized, clutter-free home.

4. Fickle & Indecisive

Do you change your mind often? Or have trouble with making decisions? If so, hiring professional organizer services will make it much easier to declutter.

Remember that you can’t rely on the organizer to make every decision for you; they should ask good questions to help you make a choice faster.

And a great home organizer will challenge you when you try to keep things you probably shouldn’t.

So, rather than spin your wheels and exhaust yourself with the same questions over and over, get an outsider’s perspective to help you through the process.

5. You Want to Make Daily Tasks Easier

This is our favorite reason to hire a professional organizer! The truth is that proper organization can make your life and routines so much easier!

Let’s say you want to eat healthier; a professional organizer can help you whip your pantry and fridge into shape, making it easier to find ingredients when preparing meals.

Once you’ve worked with the person to organize the most important rooms in your home, you can spend more time on the things you want to do and less time managing your home.

Consider These Things Before Hiring Professional Organizer Services

The truth is that there are many professional organizer services in every market, so how do you choose one that’s reputable and right for you?

You can begin by asking friends and family members for referrals. Or you can call around and schedule consultation visits with home organizers near you. At the very minimum, you should send an email to start and see what type of response you get.

Ensure that you ask lots of questions about their approach and philosophies before signing a contract.

Beware of home organizers that:

  • Claim to have “magic” storage solutions
  • Want to do the work without you present
  • Do not declutter before they start organizing

“Magic” Storage Solutions

Organizer companies that claim to possess all the secrets and magic systems are usually best avoided, especially when they don’t want to share their “secrets” with you. Knowing this is vital to help you maintain their system in the long run.

It may also be wise to avoid companies that believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. There’s not one organizational system that works for every situation because every family and household is unique.

Doing work only while you’re away

It goes without saying that you should avoid companies who strictly want to declutter and organize your home when you are not present.

This can be very tempting, especially if you are busy, but this doesn’t solve your problems long-term and may even create new challenges.

Just think, how can an outsider come into your home and know what you need and what you don’t?

Everyone has a different definition of clutter, and the organizer may get rid of something useful or meaningful, not knowing any better.

Furthermore, to prevent your home from becoming cluttered again, you need to learn how to stop the flow of clutter, and working with a home organizer, most people realize they simply buy too much stuff.

Figuring out the mistakes you make is the best way to learn from them in the future. So, do yourself a favor, and be present when you hire organizer services.

We here at Clutterless Home Solutions meet with you and create a plan of action for your home. On cleaning day, we want you there! You don’t necessarily have to play a part in the process if you choose not to, but at least you’re there when we need you!

By the time we’re done, we want you to have helped with decluttering decisions, and most importantly, we want you to know where your belongings are and how to keep them organized moving forward.

Alternative Options

Perhaps the most important consideration is how much does a professional organizer cost? Most organizers charge an hourly rate between $55 and $200+ per hour.

For some, this may not fit into their budget. But if you can’t afford it, no worries, there are other options!

Do you have friends or family members who could help declutter your home? Just be sure that the person is a good balance for you.

In other words, you probably won’t get too far together if the other person is also easily overwhelmed. Choose someone who will be honest and can lead you toward getting the most out of the experience.

Another great option is to find an accountability partner. This works well for competitive people, as they simply choose a friend or small group and keep each other accountable for decluttering their homes.

In fact, there are numerous Facebook groups related to this, so you may want to check that out!

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, if you have too much stuff and cannot declutter on your own, you will definitely benefit from hiring a home organizer service.

On the other hand, if you are naturally self-driven, organized, and good at coming up with new solutions, you’re probably find on your own

If you live anywhere in the Denver, Colorado, metro area, give us a call today, and let’s discuss your needs! We service all areas from Aurora to Lakewood, Henderson to Littleton, and every town in between!