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How To Declutter And Organize Your Bedroom

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, and being surrounded by clutter can make your early morning ritual or relaxing after a long days work difficult.

Most experts agree that having a peaceful surrounding affects the way we sleep, which is why it’s necessary to keep our bedrooms organized so we can rest soundly… But where should you start?

If you’re seeking guidance on how to declutter and organize your bedroom, then we suggest you keep reading as we are going to share more about this in today’s entry.

Declutter Is A Step-By-Step Process, But It’s Best To Start Now

Clutter can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Most of my clients tell me they just “don’t know where to start”

We suggest that you concentrate on one area first and then move on to the next.

We also recommend you prepare these things first: a hamper, a donation bin and a trash bag.

  1. Start with the night tables – Remove all things that are not supposed to be there and put them in the right place. Then, discard items that should be thrown away or recycle them if necessary. Do this same process with your dresser tops and other surfaces. Make sure to put the items back in their designated “homes” — this is the main reason people are disorganized or cluttered.
  2. Place dirty clothes in the hamper (do the same for linens) and return clean clothes to your closet and dresser drawers.
  3. Organize all the things that are left on your night table. I would suggest using a fun decorative tray to keep all your daily and nightly use items within reach, but looking nice.
  4. Go through your bedroom drawers and perform a clutter sweep by keeping or donating items. Make sure to ask yourself: have I worn this in the last year? (And if no, why not?).
  5. Go through all the things in the hamper, do your laundry and put them away right away! **

**Pssst! That’s the secret!

The next thing you have to do is to organize your closet:

  1. Hang your clothes up right away!
  2. Fold garments that need to be folded and placed back in your dresser.
  3. I often suggest color-coordinating and categorizing your clothes in your closet. This makes it much easier to put together an outfit in the morning!


  1. Use trays, bowls, and trinket dishes for your spare change, rings, earrings, and other knickknacks.** Creating habits will help keep the clutter to the minimum.
  2. Hang your glasses and necklaces using a jewelry rack.
  3. Make your bed every morning!
  4. Arrange your books and decor on a bookshelf so it’s pleasing to the eye and easy to find.
  5. Use plastic storage boxes and bins for maximizing small closet space.

**However, you should create these dishes in order to bring more order to your space. A common problem is that these baskets can become clutter dumping grounds. The best way to keep your bedroom clutter-free is to always put things back where they’re supposed to go.

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Clutterless Home Solutions

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